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Lessons must be learned

Number one Disinfo Superspreader Dr Mercola examines the actors behind the push to set up a Covid “lessons learned” Commission.


Here’s the findings, now go find them…?

Mercola spreads disinformation?

I thought he was a source with integrity.

I should probably signal sarcasm a bit more clearly. Mercola was at the top of the CCDH’s Disinfo Dozen (which is a US-centric list because the platforms they’re pressuring are US controlled: Facebook et al).

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THe combination of you an Dr Mercola led me to conclude you were being sarcastic - though I did suddenly wonder if there was another side to Dr M I hadn’t noticed, or had tried to ignore. I find him almost universally on my wavelength (right?), and highly credible with evidence and analysis. My only problem with him is his apparent antagonism to China, which may distort his views on the origins of the virus. He never mentions Fort Detrick, despite Fauci’s clear criminal associations with the GOF programme. But it is my only problem!

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I’m eagerly awaiting delivery of his Covid book sometime later today. Won’t quite believe it has been published til I have the evidence in my hands. I guess, as I think I’ve commented before, books aren’t censored as zealously as “no one reads any more”.