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Left covid right covid

If you’re of a left bent and you see something you think is good from a new source it’s natural to look round the new source or place to see what other goodies you can find. After all, you would expect the source of a ‘progressive’ viewpoint to have other progressive views and info.

In the covid era, this can be a jarring experience. Those most opposed to the covid narrative are on the right.
Here is a surprisningly frank presentation to the House of Commons by Sr Christopher Chope, a Tory MP, in which he raises worrying concern about myocarditis from the covid vaccine, and vaccine deaths generally.

What a ‘good bloke’ he must be! He even wants to scrap Trident - but sadly, only to replace it with a bigger and better nuclear weapons system. Consistently voted for the Iraq war and other military stuff.

If some covid or vaccine story leads you to Lifesitenews, read the story and vamoose or just read the other covid stories there.
The flip side is that looking to the left for covid insights is a tough activity. ‘Follow the money’ used to be the instinct but now the left commentators seem to have forgotten all about that, which is odd give the staggering sums of money that are being moved around due to covid and vaccines (not to mention the PPE free-for all and vaccine-related IT projects), much of it of course inevitably sucked upwards to needy billionaires, whose suction hoses seem to be everywhere.

Just a thought…


The terrible side effect of this, after 18 months of the narrative being honed, is that any scepticism about State directives brands one as ‘Right’. Brexit was the same, no?

The next part of the script seems to be the Pandemic Of The Unvaxxxed. All the righteous jabbed people whose medicine hasn’t worked need the holdouts to take that same medicine that doesn’t work, to magically make it work after all. Or something.

The problem becomes boiled down to Unjabbed=Oppressors, Jabbed=Victims. The same way mild vegan Islington MP became an antisemite bully.

When the Oppressed folks act as though their only recourse is to take preemptive action against the Others, then the SHTF. Off to Gulag we go.