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LocalYokel, I’m probably going to mangle this quote: “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Not aimed at you or anything you’ve said. It’s a general quote about freedom of speech. I still can’t remember who said it. God, I’m getting old…


Supposedly Voltaire; but now that’s questioned; as usual!

It has occurred to me that the manufactured shortages long term goal is to cheat the decline. Less people consume less things. And it’s human nature to try to cheat fate too.

As for Icke, I remember him in TV when I was a kid. Grandstand and possibly more (wasn’t old enough to be up late lol). He threw away a set life, he seemed to be Linehams replacement to me. A few of Ickes theories are unusual but it’s possibly been to throw the attack dogs off the scent? There is also the possibility of mental trauma. My one son’s work colleague bacame awake during COVID and his reward was being sectioned…maybe Icke was privvy to something unpleasant that caused damage as it informed?


I was sceptical about Icke probably because of all the stuff said about him. But since Coroni, I listened to two long interviews of his on London Real. We’ll worth a listen if you can still find them. IMHO he was spot on about everything he said (although it took me a while to come round to complete agreement) and there was not anything ‘non-credible’ at all


We will be making do with less, L. We have no other - realworld-possible - option. Not that we know about, and that can scale up in good time, anyway.

Of course, ‘technology’ may come up with something unexpected. And my bridge shares are just about certain to make piles of money for all who have them, too…

Well there’s the reptiles thing, a relic from the time of his breakdown - I don’t know why he throws that one in, but you do get the impression he knows what he’s doing, as @LocalYokel suggests. It’s as if he’s nodding and winking both at his followers and the PTB. “Look you can call me mad if you want, as long as I can still inform my own audience, and write my books”.
And as long as they can say he is mad, there’s no need to lock him up! He will be tolerated - in the UK. In the EU, clearly not. Maybe he needs to tell them a bit more about the reptiles.

The other thing I found so incomprehensible, was the attitude (again mostly from the left) that to pay everyone’s salary for months on end while not working has no consequences. We now see double digit inflation all across Europe. Sure, the sanctions play a role in this too, but making money out of thin air in such large quantities for so many people is obviously flawed!


Pat, do you have any news on power cuts here in France? The French government, under WEF Macron, have been saying for a number of weeks now that there will be power cuts. I read somewhere recently in French media (probably Le Monde) that there will be six hour power cuts? They didn’t say whether this would be daily or weekly, or whatever.

And going into David Icke mode, France famously gets about 70% of its electricity from nuclear power. Half of France’s nuclear power stations have been closed down this year. There’s a whole story behind that. I’ll just say that it is due to maintenance issues and ageing infrastructure. Is it a co-incidence that this happens just as we are having an ‘energy crisis’?

And for readers in the UK, a large amount of your electrical supply comes from France. Us lot in the Charente, or wherever, won’t be the only ones warming our hands over a candle this coming winter.

Gas supplies to Europe cut off by detonation of Nordstream pipelines, and France’s nuclear power shutdown.

You might be forgiven for thinking that it’s all been scripted…

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Willem, UBI is another ball of wool. They are planning to give everyone 500 euros a month (or whatever), free of charge, no strings attached. Sounds wonderful?

We are taxed on everything we do, from the cradle to the grave. In the UK it’s called VAT, in France TVA, and on and on in other countries almost without exception. This tax is generally around 20% of just about all goods and services you purchase. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Duke or a dustman, you pay the same. That’s on top of income tax you have to pay, and death duties, etc.

What do they do with such huge sums of money? (when their own people are starving and freezing to death)

I’ll probably mangle this one as well: beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

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Funny you should mention 6 hours. We had a cut two weeks ago of almost exactly 6 hours. Calling the EDF (the main electricity supplier) we were told, "The outage has been caused by a major incident that includes … " mentioning several other areas. I know people living in at least one of those areas and they had no power cut.

Thinking that Macron is any different to the other WEF ‘global leaders’ would be a folly. I hope you’ve got a good supply of wood in.

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Scripted or otherwise, some disruption of those transmission streams across Channel could be apt payback for Nordstrom. but possibly I’m reading too much into some of the recent Russian rhetoric specifically positioning the UK as a known primary antagonist. It won’t be fun, but preferable to visits from Comrade Kinzhal.

Yes, Willem, I too had misgivings about that at the time for a number of reasons. Of course there is the grubby financial aspect to it. But chiefly here it seemed obvious that ‘furloughing’ folk would impact upon an individual’s work ethic – - to be clear, I’m by no means of the opinion that everybody must be in employment, and that those that aren’t must be lead-swingers - - far from it - I reckon most people have no choice but to work, just to keep the wolves from the door - of course the world has been so fashioned that it’s difficult just to go off-grid and do your own thing - unmolested. Anecdotedly (again), I’ve spoken to colleagues who were furloughed and now report they have lost motivation to work.

I reckon the designers of the furloughing business probably had at least 1 eye on training people to embrace the inhumans’ drive towards UBI and the like.

Any increase in individuals’ dependency on those lousy creatures is effectively another bar to the cage that is being constructed under, around and over us.

You are absolutely right - in fact there are papers which conclude unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than vaccinated:

  • of course there will be papers around that dispute that conclusion - I haven’t looked at the detail of this so I can only say this needs to be checked out by all parents before vaccinating children, imo. Obviously the NoVirusSchool would say - clearly there is no advantage of vaccination for virus’ that have not been isolated- which is all of them as far as I understand.

As to lockdown furlough payments what struck me was the complete lack of equity in paying 80% of earnings in the previous year with a cap of £2,500 per month - which is totally different to paying a Universal “Basic” Income i.e. this would be a flat payment per individual where everyone would get the same. Of course, the high earners would be the loudest objectors to such a real UBI, but any “democratic” government wouldn’t dream of paying peanuts to pensioners and the unemployed whilst paying £2,500 per month to others!



Pat, sorry to hear about your 6 hour power cut. Phew…! I take it wood is your main form of heating?

At my end we won’t have to start cutting up the furniture just yet.

Maybe someone should start a thread about power cuts/the energy crisis, to keep it all in one place. It’s going to be really interesting to see how it pans out over the winter, wherever you are in the world.