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Just received this on whatsapp, re: COVID-Status Certification Review - Call for evidence

Passing this on (and could you forward to others on your list):

On Monday Parliament debated the issue of vaccine passports in response to the petition which gained 290,000 signatures.

However, the Government has decided as the next step to issue a Call For Evidence. It is a sort of public consultation which anyone can participate in.

The full title is: Open Consultation. COVID Status Certification Review Call For Evidence It is vital that as many people as possible tell the Government why vaccine certificates are a bad idea.

If all the petition signatories did this we would overwhelm their system and we might frighten them into having second thoughts.

The closing date is 11.45pm on 29/3/21 so we have days to do this.

To do this you need to go to the link below and submit your comments.

Please try to get as many people involved as you can as quickly as you can.

You don’t need to write reams just think of some bullet points which matter to you and submit them ASAP If you have any good links to articles about the implications for health freedom and privacy or any other evidence you feel is important then submit it too.

Your opinion matters so speak up. It does not matter that you are an ordinary person, you don’t need any specialist knowledge. This will impact you and your family. Tell them how it will effect you negatively.

Don’t delay.

If we are ever going to be able to get on a plane again without the necessity of being jabbed like a guinea pig with an experimental vaccine which is being shown to have a higher level of harm to it than covid itself and risking our own health as a result, losing sovereignty over our bodies and our rights to make informed decisions which the State respects, being forced to do something which is against common sense, good science and public health and safety we are going to have to fight for it. Because it won’t stop here – going to the theatre, football match or cinema will also require a passport. Even shopping – who knows! To give up our right to basic freedom of movement is a huge thing to hand over willingly. And there will be no going back.


these were my three quick answers:

I am an Individual.

In your view, what are the key considerations, including opportunities and risks, associated with a potential COVID-status certification scheme?

It is medical tyranny - forcing people to have a biological agent injected into their bodies.

Moreover, there is plenty of evidence that the agent harms/kills a proportion of people who receive it. Therefore, as with any drug/medication, it should be entirely optional.

Another consideration is the creation of an apartheid society, with different levels of freedom for two groups - jabbed and unjabbed.

The country needs to brace itself for the turmoil that a COVID-certification scheme will cause.


My reply:

"Q1 Individual

"Q2 The idea is an outrage, absolutely without scientific justification and an affront to basic freedom. I shall defy any such law inflicted on us. I shall encourage others to do likewise. You will not get away with this.

"Q3 See Q2 above.

Signed, Rhisiart Gwilym"


I replied at some length this morning . . .

Question 1 [capacity in which one responds]:
I am an employee of a Higher Education Institution and co-Chair of the organisation’s Disability Staff Network. Until recently I was also Branch Secretary of one of the largest trade unions in the UK (the second largest, by member numbers, of the four that the HEI recognises). However, I am writing in my individual capacity.

Q2 […]:

a) I claim no authority in the area of clinical or medical practice but the total reversal of normal practice in the last 12-15 months has been egregious and ought not to be sustained. An inability to consult professionals, except by way of mediated communications such as Zoom, may ostensibly have meant services could be prioritised in the pandemic, but has in reality rationed resources without sound justification. This needs to stop.

I am not convinced that gatekeeping by way of COVID-status certification is either useful or fair. The medications being tested by BioNTech, Pfizer, and others do not appear to “lower [the] risk of getting sick…” (in your own words).

b) I have some legal training, mainly in company law and law of contract, and considerable experience of areas such as welfare rights and employment legislation. There is no precedent for, and no justification for, citizens having to ‘prove’ their health status in any situation other than, possibly, areas where sterile environments are essential. Certain laboratories or surgical/operating ‘theatres’, for example. In such environments, existing protective clothing/equipment has always sufficed. It will continue to do so.

Professionals who work in such environments should be trusted to refrain from entering them if in their personal assessment they might pose any biosecurity ‘threat’ (a term I use reluctantly). This has always been the case and need not change now. As the government is perfectly well aware these types of operating environments have continued to operate during 2020-2021 with no need for ‘certification’.

Fundamentally, what you are proposing is a framework in which citizens are deemed ‘dangerous’ unless they can verify otherwise. While this is bad enough, the fact that the vaccines, so-called, do not confer genuine immunity, do not prevent transmission, and are only effective, apparently, in supressing symptoms, makes certification a misleading token for ‘lack of threat’. No premises should be permitted to exclude service users on the basis of their not proffering this dubious evidence of lesser risk.

c) In terms of operational / delivery considerations, this would place additional burdens upon businesses. There could be an expectation that a physical barrier (or at least a sentinel of some kind) would prevent access until certification is checked. Whether through personal or algorithmic means, this interferes with the right of business operators to run their enterprises as they see fit.

Customers who feel they are placed at risk because of a ‘lack’ of precautions would be free to use an alternative service. Customers who are not offered that choice, if certification were a legal requirement, would be oppressively framed as second-class persons. This is not acceptable.

Would you prefer that shebeens are established for people who wish to drink alcohol without the obligation of showing certification? I suspect that is what you will get. Perhaps you’d care to review some Hogarthian images from less enlightened times and consider the desirability of our time-shifting back to these dark days.

d) In terms of considerations relating to the operation of venues that could use a potential COVID-status certification scheme my previous answers apply and I have nothing to add.

e) Considerations relating to the responsibilities or actions of employers under a potential COVID-status certification scheme are an area of major concern. The “no jab no job” rhetoric that has been permitted to circulate in common parlance is quite clearly a calculated propagandistic gambit.
No employer should be obliged to enforce such arrangements under the spurious guise of Health and Safety (H&S). There is considerable irony in this possible scenario because H&S legislation has been consistently eroded in this country for many years.

The choice as to whether to elect to receive a medication (or be subjected to a medical test) is a personal right. My employer has no right to insist that I take mood-altering chemicals in order to reduce the risk of an autistic meltdown, for example, but I elect to do so. Such situations are distressing and unpleasant.

Similarly, a sibling of mine takes meds to reduce the risk of an epileptic episode. No reasonable employer would insist that a worker reduce the risk customers/colleagues becoming distressed by the prospect of an individual in epileptic ‘fit’.

If any employee comes to work obviously unwell a decent employer would suggest, and possibly feel entitled to insist, that they go home and work there if possible (or to rest/take sick leave). If I come to work without certifying that I am healthy, whether by way of a lateral flow test or by way of a certificate, they should not be entitled to lock me out of the premises.

It is that simple.

f) All of the comments I have made so far have obvious ethical considerations so I shall not add any further comments in this section.

g) Equalities considerations would include the self-evident fact that medications carry risks and those risks may be amplified in the case of certain chronic illnesses/disabilities. It is impossible to countenance how, for example, severely mentally incapacitated citizens could give genuinely informed consent to the administration of medication.

It has been hypothesised that citizens who identify as BAME may have a higher vulnerability to certain illnesses. I cannot recall, however, any suggestion that any citizen should be compulsorily screened for sickle cell anaemia, for example.

The unproven effects that medications may have on pregnant women, another protected category, could logically mean that they are deemed ‘uncertificated’, risky, unemployable. This is discriminatory.

I am scratching the surface here, and could proffer many more examples, but believe that the gist of my objections is very clear.

h) Privacy considerations must be high on the list of factors mitigating against a COVID-status certification scheme. It will be abundantly obvious if an individual is refused access to premises by way of human and/or algorithmic means. I can easily visualise an apparatus similar to the tag detector scanners that loudly alert shop management to potential incidents of shoplifting. The humiliation of being accosted when an employee has neglected to remove such a tag is a powerful disincentive against entering such premises. One feels shamed as a criminal. How much more humiliating to feel shamed as a biohazard….

I have recent lived experience, for example, of being shamed for “not queuing correctly” by one of the large supermarket chains…. An autistic meltdown was the result, highly distressing, embarrassing, and the effects last days. I am someone not very attuned to social cues, had avoided these premises since July 2020 because of mask mandates, and was merely following the example of the person in front of me. She was not rebuked. This recent incident was enough to persuade me to never enter that shop again. The employees who felt entitled to publicly rebuke me, and the customer who believed he was entitled to join in, were enabled by the dystopian rules that have been instituted in the UK since 2020. Empowering such miniature demagogues with a whole set of new ‘rules’ is unconscionable.

Q3 […any other comments…]:

I will conclude by emphasising that COVID-status certification is a reprehensible idea. It will divide society into ‘safe’ citizens and potentially ‘unsafe’ citizens with the latter framed as of lesser worth.

I lived for some years in the Republic of South Africa. As you’ll be perfectly well aware a racial classification system was used for a very long time to segregate people, to shape their life chances, to frame some people as of (considerably) lower worth, and so on.

Creating a bio-apartheid framework is vile. You should roll back all existing ‘emergency’ legislation. It has had quite clearly disastrous and inhumane consequences. Do not compound this grave misjudgement with yet further unjust and unnecessary rules.

I will end on a more favourable note: it is good to see that at least an alternative (testing) may be offered to vaccination as guarantor of ‘acceptable’ COVID-status certification. They are invidious choices though.

One assumes a framework of more enduring certification for the vaccinated, coupled with shorter-term certification for those subjected to tests, might be under consideration. It strikes me as being the lesser of two evils from a menu with just two options.

COVID-status certification should not be introduced. COVID-status certification based solely on vaccination data should emphatically not be introduced.

I guess my concluding comments could be reframed like this: if being unemployed and destitute is one choice, and daily lateral flow tests are the other choice, I would under duress opt for the latter. With deep deep resentment and only as a last resort. So-called vaccine is not gonna happen. Simples, as that dratted meerkat says.

I guess we’ll see how things play out before very long…


bloody hell - that’ll keep 'em busy :grinning:


Thanks for passing on the link. Rereading what I wrote, more or less unedited, I would stand behind every aspect of it. One or two tweaks for clarity maybe. I am SO furious about all this absolute nonsensical bureaucracy but channeling that positively is somewhat therapeutic. Until the next outrage comes along…

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Mine turned into a rant I’m afraid but they said it would be considered, whatever that means.

“ This is a compulsary id system which is one of the first things the nazis did in Germany, it will come with a raft of laws and regulations a breach of which will lead to fines and imprisonment. It is the start of the police state, even thinking about bringing this in is odious.

To suggest that covid is a danger to public health is a denial of reality. All indications are that only a minute percentage of the population suffer anything more than mild discomfort, children and young adults have almost a zero chance of death or serious injury. Only old and ill people have a risk , (but even then over 90% of those cohorts will be largely unaffected), they do from any virus or infection, even the common cold!

Where there is a risk from covid there are established medical regimens involving either hydroxichloroquin or invermectin ( both of which have decades of safety records for billions of doses) plus antiobetics and steroid inhalers where necessary. Further there is clear evidence that high doses of viamin d ( at least 10 times the daily rate currently suggested by the NHS ) as well as vitamin c and zinc substantially support our own natural immune system. Weight loss and exercise where possible are also recommended. These treatments cost pennies and are easily made available free of charge without risk.

Compare the above treatments which are free of all risk with the current spate of experimetal gene therapy treatments which some call vaccines and it is clear death and serious illness are possible outcomes even within the 28 day period that these so-called vaccines are monitored. There are no monitoring programmes to follow injectionees over months or years to determine the long term effects, nor have these novel treatments been tested over 3 or 4 months never mind years ( which is normally required for vaccines).

So the real comparison should be between established cheap and reliable drugs and experimental injections which can kill in respect of a disease which over 99% of the population will never be seriously affected by in any case.

There are scientific studies e.g. by professor Sheldon Cohen which indicate that the measures taken by our government and other governments may have produced chronic stress resulting in the death and injury of tens of thousands from the resulting increased impact of respiratory diseases. A mandatory id system is just another way of inducing stress and death, it is in my honest opinion the worst step any government should take.

Remember the reporting of side effects from injections only ever catch about 1% of the actual numbers due to the voluntary nature of the reporting requirement and the short period of time in which such effects are counted by current systems. One key problem with these novel experimental treatments is that they could be a serious issue for injectees who subsequently come into contact with the virus months or years down the line.

There is no peer reviewed evidence that the so-called vaccines being given prevent any injectee from getting the disease nor is there any evidence that they prevent transmission of the disease to others. Both of these are normally key elements of a vaccine, but here they only promise to reduce the symptoms.

So taking a vaccine made by current manufacturers does not mean other people are safe around you, why would having a vaccination passport be of any value in these circumstances?

If the passport only requires a negative test are there accurate mass testing methods available? Even Kary Mullis the inventor of the pcr test stated that it is not suitable for establishing a person’s infection with a virus. According to a Guardian report just 4 days ago on 24/03/2021 there are serious problems with many lateral flow tests for those with covid symptoms and for all tests where subjects are asymptomatic!

Tories should not wish to belong to the party that established fascist policies in the UK. Churchill would be turning in his grave! We have established precedents following the Nuremburg trials that experimental treatments of any sort should only be undertaken with the informed consent of the subject. The mandating of any such treatment is a breach of our human rights particularly as there is no proof of public benefit from such actions, in fact public harm is more likely to be the result. ”



Thanks Karen, for the heads up.
My semi-rant:

Thank you for the opportunity to give my views and the medical evidence on which they are based.

Question 1 Which of the following best describes the capacity in which you are responding to this call for evidence?
I am a: h) Academic or researcher

Question 2 In your view, what are the key considerations, including opportunities and risks, associated with a potential COVID-status certification scheme? We would welcome specific reference to:

a) clinical / medical considerations
Clinical evidence indicates that the effects of covid-19 have been greatly affected by medical policy. For most of the duration of covid-19 the UK has occupied more or less the top (worst) world spot in terms of deaths per million population. We are certainly the worst of countries that have large populations or who are relatively rich and have expensive health services.
It is not a coincidence that the UK is the only country where doctors have been told not to treat the virus early. When the WHO essentially decreed (before ANY evidence was in) that antivirals do not work for the new virus, the UK should have kept an open mind and followed what doctors were doing - the kind that treat patients - pooling their knowledge and sharing their outcomes.

Clinical evidence:

(i) Hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin/zinc.
Please note that I said EARLY treatment - 100% of studies where treatment was applied early (most frequently cited timescale is within 5 or six days of onset of symptoms, before the virus progresses to a worse medical condition) report an estimated reduction of 60%+ in the condition measured (death, hospitalization etc).

Additional medical explanation is that HCQ is a zinc ionophore; meaning that it gives zinc (which is acknowledged as having powerful antiviral properties) access to the cells, preventing the virus from replicating.
An easy list of these studies can be found on C19study.com (https://hcqmeta.com/ for the meta-analysis). As far as I know this list is regularly maintained.

Please note that the RECOVERY trial featured very LATE HCQ treatment on very sick patients, and also for some reason used doses that were four times the NICE maximum dose for HCQ, a drug which at other times is claimed to be dangerous.
One other RCT that claimed to be early treatment (Boulware) was not - due to the protocol, and even that trial recorded some benefit; it was not statistically significant, but the trial was stopped early while more or less on track for a positive result.
It is far more important that a study is ‘unbiased’. But also, decision-makers must look at the evidence, not just the words or body-language of their…servants. You can read in the Guardian today a celebration of the RECOVERY trial; the BBC did a gushing version at the weekend. But neither mentioned that the trial did NOT investigate early treatment with HCQ. The evidence for that is there already, as noted above.

(ii) Vitamin D for treatment of early covid and also for prophylaxis.
Treatment. Judgement on effectiveness of Vitamin D interventions have been hampered by the insistence on large RCT trials, despite there hardly being any. There have been many smaller trials, which overwhelmingly indicate a strong effect from vitamin D interventions - like HCQ, about 60%+.
There has also been an RCT (Castillo), which not untypically found death reduced by 85%.
Expert Dr Gareth Davies has noted: “In a fast moving global pandemic such as this when so much new research is being carried out, surely they should look at the newest research?”
For the NICE committee to say there is little evidence for Vitamin D when they have excluded most of it is highly misleading. Contrast with the speed of the experimental vaccine rollout.

Prophylaxis. The only body who, having looked at the evidence, still believes that vitamin D levels do not at least partly influence Covid-19 outcomes seems to be NICE. Having reviewed this is December they dismissed twelve studies that amounted to a strong effect (apart from two that were based on outdated patient vitamin levels).
This is consistent with history as Vitamin D is known to affect respiratory diseases. SACN reviewed this last June. Past meta-analyses either found a beneficial effect or it was ‘on the cusp’ of the standard of proof where the bar is (probably wrongly) set ‘for caution’ even when the treatment is risk-free. Contrast this with the speed of the vaccine rollout.

Both vitamin D and vitamin C strengthen the immune system and should be promoted and provided where needed. As long as this is ignored, draconian measures that are based on presumed ‘level of immunity’ can never be justified.

(iii) Other treatments. Successful treatments are antivirals in some way; high dose vitamin C, Ivermectin as well as the two aforementioned.

At the end of the day, the public have the r-i-g-h-t to accept or refuse treatment and use their own judgement of the remedy and the politics. Vaccination is predicated on a ‘house of politics’.

b) legal considerations

The necessity of vaccination as the sole method for driving down virus deaths has not been established or addressed.
The vaccines are experimental and only have emergency approval. Any compulsion attempt will likely fail when legally challenged.
Most people have not been in a position to give informed consent because misleading information has been given - often on a ‘hard sell’ basis. ‘Only a vaccine can get us out of this’ - wrong, see above.

The information provided about the vaccine is sufficiently misleading as to invalidate ‘informed consent’. I recently heard a doctor on the radio reassure a listener the vaccines are not experimental (though the trials are still running) and on another occasion deny that vaccine developers had immunity from prosecution. Others have given reassurances that corners have not been cut but 1) short trials could not give information on any long term risks, and 2) Data from the trials have not been made available to scientists - we are supposed to trust companies like Pfizer, who only ten years ago were given the highest criminal fine in corporate history. Moderna have never had a vaccine on the market. Johnson and Johnson have just been fined nearly $600M, which caused their share price to rise 5% as it was expected to be higher - the profit motive has hardly been mentioned! (except in prime-ministerial slips).
The endpoints of the vaccine trials were not reduction in symptoms or death, or ‘immunity’. The vaccine efficacy and safety are not established medically.
People are not told of serious scientific concerns; especially antibody-dependent enhancement, and the PEG compound and unknowns concerning nanoparticles.
People aren’t being told that coronavirus vaccines have always failed before, even after passing the testing phase, once they encounter real viruses and variants.
Vaccines have been completely mis-sold because they were sold as a way out of the lockdown, when it has been an open secret among scientists that due to variants there will be a regime of topups and tweaks.
Vitmain/antivirals do not have this problem!
It has also barely been mentioned that the duration of the vaccine effectiveness is unknown but not expected to be more than a few months or a year; hence the reality on offer is a long term programme of injection of new substances.
Therefore there has not been informed consent and anyone is fully entitled to refuse this medical treatment, which can not be said to be established or necessary.

f) ethical considerations
The debate raging now is like the ID cards debate part two - bypassing the issue of people who have not had the vaccine, and many who will not have it.
But if access to services and life essentials is restricted, people are essentially forced to have the vaccine as otherwise their lives are made a misery.
Therefore the first debate should be about compulsory medical treatment, of people the vast majority of whom who are not even ill.

Large swathes of doctors and scientists disagreeing with some of the narrative (and highlighting evidence) are being suppressed and intimidated. Additionally, public discourse excludes ‘antivaxxers’ which is extended to those hesitating. Unqualified people fact-check and censor professors based on loose verbiage and vague mantras. All of this constitutes an abuse of power, masquerading as protecting the public.
Please run all of that past the paid ethicists in vaccine-producing universities and medical companies.

g) equalities considerations

If a business may not refuse to serve a customer because of race, religious beliefs or sexual orientation etc then it should not be able to refuse to serve a customer because of any other belief. What is proposed is ethically similar to the old race and gender obstacles of our bad history.
It used to be, disgracefully, “No Blacks”, now “No antivaxx” etc. See ethical considerations.

It can not be argued that the coronavirus justifies these intrusions when other viable options for alleviating its effects have been neglected, ignored and even buried.

Question 3 Are there any other comments you would like to make to inform the COVID-status certification review?

Well it says above: “Such certification would be available both to vaccinated people and to unvaccinated people who have been tested.”

About discrimination

Why do you assume:

  1. that people who have been vaccinated can not transmit the coronavirus, and that
  2. they can not catch the coronavirus, and
  3. that it is only ‘unvaccinated people’ who would need tested to provide certainty, and
  4. that vaccination status provides more assurance than other statuses that could be certificated - like circulating vitamin D levels?

Test everyone, or test no-one.
If accepting indirect indicators like vaccination documents you must accept proof of other evidence-based, indirect indicators like vitamin status.
If vaccination status is given privilege then a meaningful name should be used - eg Pharmaceutical Passport, because that is what it will be. Then the debate would be honest.

Finally, the idea of preventing virus spread should not be used to advance political controls.

But as I said at the beginning, the authorities really must start treating the virus, and thereby reduce hospitalizations and deaths, vaccinations or not.

Thank you