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Just gleaned from the btls at OG this fascinating challenge (with added Mike Yeadon!)

Finally, people are moving to put the whole ‘virus’ narrative on the spot; excellent idea - if it can raise any takers of the challenge. But there’s such a huge amount of money and career-prestige riding on the virus story that I’m betting its protagonists will either dodge - or simply ignore - this challenge:


It sounds worth a punt. Maybe Steve Kirsch could rustle up some funds? I’d suggest a GoFundMe drive but recent Canadian history points to a weakness in that model.

My grasp of the details is not very good but this suggested methodology was scoffed at as AIDS heresy not all that long ago wasn’t it?

The methodology - basically Koch’s Postulates - has been scoffed at a lot recently by startrekkytechietechie enthusiasts, who insist that ‘modern computer methods’ (hah!) have made them obsolete - not!

As we know by now, GIGOed computers are not to be trusted. Koch’s commonsense ideas still hold just as well as they always did, though.

Sadly, I agree with your take on this. No mainstream ‘virology’ lab will go near this (that’s my prediction for what its worth). The offer from Tom Cowan of funding for the research will make no difference. Even in the unlikely event of it going ahead and coming out with the unmistakeable proof of virus theory bankruptcy it would be debunked by the trusted fact-checkers and memory-holed, like all those experiments designed to prove virus transmission which utterly failed from Rosenau onwards. If 100 years’ worth of in your face (literally!) attempts to prove virus transmission have failed without denting the fraud, why should this/these?

Stefan Lanka’s name does not appear among the sponsors for the very good reason that, in his opinion, he has already performed his experiment to successfully prove the fraudulent nature of ‘virus’ testing and considers the job done and dusted. You can see what effect that has had in the ‘scientific’ and ‘medical’ 'communities, their journals, the MSM etc. (none). And, look at the powerful leaders who have been established in the ‘alternative’ camp - they all support the Sars-Cov-2 theory, divert the debate towards ‘treatments’, shout about vaccinating children and make damned sure no-one goes near questioning ‘the virus’ and ‘vaccination’ as a historical good. Malone, for instance: if I had thought his advice sound I might have had 4 ‘Covid’ injections by now, not to mention any number of ‘flu’ and ‘pneumonia’ shots (as per the personal advice I have received from ministers of HMG, my MP, the county medical officer and my GP who should, of course, all be swinging) (yes, I know, but they should be anyway).

Here’s our take on him. (I’m confident you will enjoy this piece Rhis!):

For less personalised good propaganda I recommend this 2.11 hour presentation on the general theme ;

But the narrative is not for turning, its far too vital to the current plans of the rich and powerful (see eg: the Fifth Wave, not to mention Monkeypox). But good on our gang for trying (bloody heroes the lot of 'em), and you never know your luck!


Thanks for posting those @AlanG. I’d seen the ‘enigma…’ article pop up in email headers and then it got swamped by all the other stuff, and went unread. Not this time.

For a while I read Dr Malone’s SubStack fairly frequently but the pompous tone was always annoying, and was finally put off by his Mano-A-Mano duel with Alex Berenson (who I stopped following at roughly the same time) and his wilful misrepresentation of Desmet is just rude. Even though I don’t especially rate Mattias on originality I respect his willingness to stand up and be counted.

I would have bet the very last question would provoke a response, either “gee shucks, little me” or some faux outrage. But maybe he has got a bit better at not shooting from the hip.

We got no response from the good doctor apart from the automated promise which included this:

Jill, my wife monitors this website and will try to get back to you with more information -if you are interested in having me on your show or for an interview. Time slots do fill up fast, and there are not enough hours in the day - but we will try to get back to you.

That was on 11 Feb 22, the second anniversary of the WHO naming the novel coronavirus disease. (The Malones’ book which included chapter headings namechecking ‘Covid-19’ was published the day after that. ESP?)

He certainly hasn’t lacked for platforms & appearances since he appeared out of nowhere just over a year ago. He likes to stand in a white lab. coat at a lectern in front of similarly-attired ‘frontline doctors’ arranged symmetrically behind him; his grandstanding speeches are very appropriate to the staging. His performances during interviews are characterised by waffle and evasion if he hasn’t an answer off pat because he really needs that script; shooting from the hip doesn’t come easily to him, neither does giving straight answers to straight questions (ask Stew Peters!).

Oh, and the massive publicity attending the Spotify row about his Joe Rogan appearance didn’t half boost his audience numbers and amplify his false messaging. Just sayin’!

Rosemary Frei got her head in a sling for seeing off those virus/vaccine pushers Geert vanden Bosch & Byram Bridle but it appears there’s not much pushback from the ‘sceptic community’ against this one. We’re not sure if she’s prepared to go all the way with dissing virus theory herself but that’s where we are ourselves.

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