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JMGreer, with a vital strategic look at where things are going now (Hint: the continuing accuracy of 'The Limits To Growth'

John doesn’t go there in particular, but I estimate that the underlying reason behind the desperate, rather rushed, attempted power-grab by the scamdemic plotters is acute alarm at the way the future outlined by TLTG is happening dead on schedule, insisting as it now does on applying the brakes with ever greater force to the clinically-insane lunacy of ‘endless’ growthforever on a finite planet.

This leading inevitably to the resultant breakdown of gangster capitalism - leading in turn, of course, to disruption and growing shortages of many essentials; food, for example, on the increasingly gappy and price-inflating supermarket shelves, amongst many other indicating signs of The Limits into which we are now slamming. (Hint2: REALLY high time to start getting your hand in - it requires several seasons of learning-curve practice - at growing potatoes, cabbages and beans; and the herbs and spices which make them more tasty… :slight_smile: ):

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Loved this:

the widespread American conviction that there will always be more so long as you whine for it loudly enough

Pretty much a global mentality now, but it needs forefronting like this, for sure.

I’d suggest that it’s more a delusion of the world’s Pampered Twenty Percent, than of all humans. The PTP are a recent creation, brought about by too much crass consumerism and an overly easy, convenience-obsessed life; together with constant ‘safety’; a rank delusion if ever there were one! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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