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JMGreer on this epochal moment in history, as USAmerican power during the Afghanistan debacle goes into freefall

Note that the full implications of John’s analysis only come into sharp-enough focus when you also read the essay at the link that he provides at the end of his post. That article also underlines why the technocrat class behind the - hah! - ‘great reset’ have had their time, have failed, and are now awaiting their coup-de-grace: The GatesSchwaboids and their covid coup-d’etat attempt can now be seen as the flailing lunacy that it really is; doomed to fail, thank heavens. And along with the Afghanistan black farce quite likely to be one of the ballsups which triggers the technocrats’ final fall. Pivot points in history, unfolding before our entranced eyes! Resistance is fertile! :laughing:


I hope you’re right, Rhis! I have also had the strong feeling that, in the words of Chinua Achebe, things are falling apart. At remarkable speed. The collapse of empire is well underway, and the signs are all around us.

I’m less sanguine than yourself, though, as I see this as the beginning of the rise of neo-fascism. The fears expressed so clearly by Chris Hedges the other day are my fears also. Militarised police, authoritarianism, right wing mobs, resurgent racism and the abuse of women and the less able.

Those who are the brain-trust of the great reset are well practised in turning such chaos to their advantage. It’s not a given that they will succeed - when chaos rules, the slightest thing can upset the best laid plans - but I think rumours of their deaths is still greatly exaggerated!



I think I veer between the two but if I owned a few media companies that could shape my ‘reality’ along with that of lots of other people I imagine I (or clever minions at any rate) could spin things very nicely right up until the last minute, which is bound to be a comfort in moments of existential crisis. Oodles of cash for bullets and for employing obedient thugs and the odds move further in one’s favour.

Since these don’t apply to me I tend to be pessimistic. But the game is gonna play out for some while longer.

The JMG article is fab, but the Malcolm Kyeyune piece is truly outstanding. Can’t resist reproducing a couple of real tasty bits.

It is not just that the elite class is incompetent – even kings could be incompetent without undermining belief in monarchy as a system – it is that they are so grossly, spectacularly incompetent that they walk around among us as living rebuttals of meritocracy itself. It is that their application of managerial logic to whatever field they get their grubby mitts on – from homelessness in California to industrial policy to running a war – makes that thing ten times more expensive and a hundred times more dysfunctional. To make the situation worse, the current elites seem almost serene in their willful destruction of the very fields they rely on for legitimacy. When the ”experts” go out of their way to write public letters about how covid supposedly only infects people who hold demonstrations in support of ”structural white supremacy”, while saying that Black Lives Matter demonstrations pose no risk of spreading the virus further, this amounts to the farmer gleefully salting his own fields to make sure nothing can grow there in the future. How can anyone expect the putative peasants of our social order to ”trust the science”, when the elites themselves are going out of their way, against all reason and the tenets of basic self-preservation, to make such a belief completely impossible even for those who really, genuinely, still want to believe?

Not long ago on another thread I spoofed how senior managers have adopted for themselves the epithet “leaders”, with the implication that they embody charisma, woo and juju, unlike we mere mortals.

Kyeyune continues:

… In modern America, it is the meritocrats who now openly lack any merit or ability to rule, quickly undermining the ability of the average person to believe in the very foundational claims behind the managerial order. And by what right does the collective of non-divine kings rule? To borrow from Schmitt: by the same right as the collective of stupid and ignorant technocrats. In other words, by virtue of simply not having been replaced yet. Nothing more.

Touche. Not limited to America, of course.

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Yep! Together, those three commentators make a damn’ sharp analysis of what’s happening. Can’t wait for the technocrats’ mass appointment with Madame Guillotine! (Speaking figuratively, natch! :innocent: )

Ah Chinua! One of Africa’s greats!

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