Posted in the Spirituality category because essentially what we’re looking for is a profound change of basic attitudes in our current worldview, and new, real thought-leaders from outside the current political establishment who can navigate the change.
Note that John is one of the more perceptive clear-seers who does reckon that there’s some degree of climate crisis, possibly allied to excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and that it will indeed cause difficulties for us in the future, but that it’s been wildly over-blown by shysters pursuing illicit political purposes.
Fwiw, I think that John could be slightly behind the curve on latest exploratory thinking on what the minute percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere really does in the matter of greenhousing. Once you begin to survey the propaganda-trashed dissidents on the climate arguments, you find that, listened to properly, they have something vital to add, and that the overall upshot of their input is that - erm - the climate scare has been exaggerated quite a lot, for murky political purposes not connected to actual science:
Has god told you that Rob, or does it just “stand to reason” (which it rarely does, of course, in the event, things being so much more subtly complicated than we like to kid ourselves)?
And as a matter of fact, I grow less and less ‘worried’ about CO2. I think we’ve been led to believe that it’s much worse than it really is, and that that propaganda meme is now passing its self-by date with increasing numbers of we commoners. (Thank you yet again to the covid swindle, for loosening everyone’s previously unexamined trust in saintly authority figures.)
The ‘climate crisis’ gets to be seen more and more as just another example of the widespread, and increasingly recognised, trahison des clercs - read careerist technocrats - than anything objectively real…
No over-ranting at all, Rob. I too have nothing but contempt for the unelected compradors of the Anglozionist empire - including La Truss - who get shoe-horned into positions of power in Europe - including in the European state of Britain - without benefit of genuine elections. No legitimacy, and no future for them! Roll on the Russian victory in the Ukraine, and the consequent death of NATZO, asap.