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Jim Kunstler thinks: "We're nearing the end of this medical reign of terror."

Just another straw in the wind. The inkling that I get from sniffing the wind right now is that the shambling Saigonoid slink-out of USAmerica (and its grovelling arse-kissers such as the ukstate) from Afghanistan is going to play out as a whole lot of disgruntled US military people raising some sort of direct revolt against the covid scamsters and their creatures in the ‘Biden’ regime. The rumblings are already audible. The Deep State capi can’t operate effectively when their own rank-and-file muscle is getting restive - and mutinous.

A good fifty percent of US citizens seem to be terminally pissed off with the scam. Despite all the lies, bribes and threats, too many of them are not buying the poison-stabs, which are an obvious way-station in the global attempted power-grab: if too few suckers buy into the mass-stabbing-stage of the scam, the final stages are unlikely to work. The growing massacre of stab-victims isn’t helping the scam’s credibility; it just can’t be hidden.

With the US - which has been until recently* the stronghold of the globalising oligarch parasites - in a state something close to civil war, and the securely-established state rulers in China and Russia obviously not buying into the globalist racket in the smallest degree, I’d guess by now that the scamdemic has roughly zero chance of success. The capture and weaponising - as a private-money-owned corporation - of the World Hoax Organisation will not save them.

Presumably those of the scammers who are equal to seeing cold reality without blinkers will be getting the wind up seriously by now. Australia should become a particularly hair-raising shitshow, as the angry resistance continues to build there. God help the Ozzy pocket-pol/mediawhore collaborators with the scam:

A Heedless Aftermath | Kunstler

*Catherine Austin Fitts - whose analysis I’ve always respected ever since she was a loyal associate of the late, great Michael C Ruppert - says that the big-money gangsters of the footloose globalist-oligarch class gave up on the US some time back, and have been quietly sucking all the money/wealth they can out of that state steadily ever since. Trillions stolen, she asserts. Lacking that stronghold, where else could the globalists go? No convincing candidates for a new infestation, as far as I can see…