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Japanese professor goes nuclear over vaccine deaths

I caught something about this and had trouble tracking down the source, which was a 2m video from Japanese Twitter thread. Which led me to this

It is astonishing - the kind of thing you might expect to happen if you didn’t know better, as many don’t.
But the video wasn’t fully well sourced, and only had subtitles for a few mins.

I had trouble getting further on this. However thanks to abandoning DuckDuckGo and using Yandex, I found this:

…which contains a much longer extract of the meeting, on proper recording equipment.
‘Vigilant Fox’ of substack fame was sufficiently struck to obtain professional subtitles, and present a narrative of the meeting.

A bit more background here
Japan downgrades Covid amid vaccine safety concerns
The country is one of the most vaccine-sceptical in the world

Japanese Doctors Investigate the Link Between Covid Vaccine and Deaths

The story of the official investigation is disputed by Flakchuckers but there is no doubt the professor (whose .name is Fukushima, hence the title which derives from VF’s URL quip) has got the message out in Japan and beyond!



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Almost all young-to-middle-aged aren’t they? God damn this bloody covid conspiracy! And god damn in particular the effing poison-stabs!

I loved the Japanese equivalent of “the dog that didn’t bark” :

“ The mainstream media has only just started reporting this, and even then only briefly. But while pro-vaccine stories were once common, they have now disappeared. This will not go unnoticed in a country where ‘reading the air’, as the Japanese say, is a vital means of interpreting uncomfortable messages.”

The rest of the world needs to quickly learn this skill, imo.

Thanks for the post @Evvy_dense



Very true. But can it be done quickly? I’m wondering if some mistrust in the media, bolstered by some like minds, is an existing pre-requisite for seeing through a sudden and fierce blizzard along the lines of Covid or Russia/Ukraine. The speed of the thing, the emotional impact of events (as portrayed) and the social/peer pressure to compartmentalise your thoughts on every new development, make thoughtful learning difficult in real time.


Hi @Evvy_dense, exposure to the MSM has been a matter of pure habit but one of the early comments I have made to jab supporters is - ‘ask yourself if you have seen any opposition views to the official narrative on covid in the MSM, and is this not like the state censorship of Soviet media in the last century!’
Seeing that there is a massive gap in our MSM information is the first step in unravelling the lies, but I agree this may take some time!


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Yeah that’s a good start. Makes it seem like a long haul, but maybe it’s the only place to start! The root of the information that shapes our perceptions.
Maybe tie in with why the latest fabrication is false. At least the PTB keep us well supplied!

Oh shit! “One of the only” is even creeping in here! Ochone! (One of the irritating characteristics of old men is that we moan about the way a living language mutates with each generation, and the forms we learned in youth become obsolete. :slight_smile: But still: ‘one of the only’! WTF does it even mean? It’s a meaningless, irrational word-string.)

Just the one “only” Deleted - only for you Sir! :slight_smile:


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Cheers, CJ! You’re very kind to be so good to such an ungracious old sod! :wink: :smile:

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