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Jacinda Ardern is thoroughly repulsive in this clip

Jacinda Ardern: the woman is thoroughly repulsive in this 60 sec clip (covid)

She seems to be a pure Blairite (from the info I can find on her).

And this repulsive clip does indeed indicate that she has the pure authoritarian instincts of Blairites.

And Chomsky endorses this brand of fascism.

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New Zealand, similar population to Scotland but has 1/400 of the deaths (only 26) but bringing in forced vaccination on the back of it.
Disappointing if she is like Blair - a repeat of the Blair experience.

Awful sanctimonious vicious person, all rainbows, huggy-feely rhetoric, and endless empathy for the gender confused, but no hesitation in wielding state power to serve neoliberal agenda. So: mini-Blair in every significant respect. The two-maskers adore her.

Ilsa Koch. Or should that be ‘Kich’, kiwi-style?

I didn’'t hear this, but a similar discussion has taken place here, with the popular media taking the worst position. Someone on Ch 7 suggested those refusing vaccination should be denied social security. We also have 'two maskers" - great one Karen!
The latest here is that people under 50 shouldn’t have the AZ vaccine, which they admit would be more dangerous than getting the now eliminated virus, but instead young women in particular should have the Pfizer shot!! Not one single mention in any media of any danger, leave alone deaths from Pfizer, which everyone now thinks is the best and only kept from us because it’s more expensive. And the Israelis all had it, so must be OK. (actually that makes me wonder if it IS OK - or if they just got saline, or a strain with a different bar code…

But yesterday I had a letter of scepticism published in my local paper, pointing out that the relative risk HERE was in favour of having no vaccination at all, unless heading overseas, partly because by the time we able to travel again the current vaccine probably won’t work against new strains. All friends just say - "but we’ll have to have it, as I want to visit my relys etc… over a barrel, with feet sticking out

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Just one point here though - Ardern is only talking about workers in hotel quarantine and border security, who are the only ones who might have contact with positive cases. In countries that have eliminated the virus like NZ an OZ, the whole focus is on these places, like the only door into the prison complex; in that sense it’s justified.

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Eliminated the virus, or turned down the tests?

Perhaps both Karen! I don’t understand how they can do 500,000 tests over six weeks and find NOT ONE positive case, because it’s statistically impossible and scientifically impossible - even if they turn down the tests to <25 cycles. However, I do believe the virus is actually eradicated, because there simply are no cases appearing anywhere in the country not connected directly to cases in returning travellers shut in quarantine. But noone ever thinks this is at all odd, merely saying what a fantastic job people have done in keeping the monster away. Even when it was happening it wasn’t happening.
But now we are consumed with how we are going to vaccinate all the people under 50 with the Pfizer vaccine that needs -70’C storage - not acknowledging or even understanding that people under 50 should never be vaccinated against this disease of the old and sick, and that anyone who is at risk can take HCQ if they are worried.

Incidentally, I believe that in most populous parts of the UK herd immunity has been reached, which is why the cases have fallen off a cliff; it has little to do with the vaccinations. Do you have any data to support this idea, or have heard it discussed? That’s what I tell people here when they say “how good it is to be here in OZ, and not in the UK” - as we are just as susceptible to the “pandemic” we never had as we were a year ago, despite losing $500 Billion in income.

Doesn’t make sense that Oz has ‘eradicated’ the virus/exosome/whatever, D. Has the Australasian archipelago exempted itself from global wind patterns? If not, then you’ve had the visitation too, and you’ve achieved community immunity pretty quickly, to the point that it’s now endemic, and not causing any severe outbreak, nor even much in the way of noticeable symptoms, as it appears - as all previous experience and past good science on the patterns of epidemics would predict. Could be the benign effects of all that sunlight. A text-book study in how vitamin D suppresses respiratory illnesses effectively? Naturally no-one is going to know what the status really is if everyone’s using the PCR nonsense - and remaining hypnotised by the TDS propaganda.

The whole idiot story that you report from there suggests rather that ‘your’ pocket-pols and mediawhores are unusually deeply mired in the West’s global rackets hole, run from the Swamp and the City. But we already knew that about Oz, of course. Par for the course, I suppose. I don’t envy you. The scamdemic panic seems even worse there than it is in Britain.

Not so fast there RG. I think, given the way this virus spreads, it’s entirely possible that it has been eradicated from Oz. The same thing happened to the original flavour SARS and we could have done it too…

Given the way it - like all of them - spreads, P? As air-plankton? The cloud-cuckoo-technocrat’s idea of eradication just doesn’t stand up in that situation. Not unless Australasia really can isolate itself hermetically from the Earth’s air-circulation patterns. The real ‘eradication’ is reduction to endemic-background status, with widespread new items installed, by essential prior contact with the pathogen, in the immune-system libraries of a critical mass of the populace; aka herd immunity.

You may hypothesise that the prior contact is with malign viruses; or you may hypothesise that it’s by contact with essentially-necessary, useful, and not particularly malign exosomes, carrying essential information on the wind, in the ancient evolutionary way. But either way, we have to get the memo in order to install the new items in our immune library.

Either AA has already quietly achieved the necessary mass immunity, behind and despite of all the maundering WHO-driven twittery of the AA pols, or it’s still yet to be had, because the AA populace have had insufficient exposure to achieve that benign end-state.

If so, look out for the near future, when they finally have to go through the natural, normal process of earning it. A populace not already immunised - naturally - always seems to have that job to do to get out of it all on the other side in good condition. And there are always casualties, amongst those whom bad life-style, or simple decrepit old age, have rendered vulnerable. That’s just life and its inevitabilities - against which the witless narcissist technocrats fulminate and plot, so uselessly: “Our aim is to abolish all sickness, and - especially - death!” Riiiiiiight! :slight_smile:

Given the complete absence of any reliable test for the infection - apart from clinical symptoms in palpably-unwell individuals - how does anyone really know the immune status of the AA populace? As the last of Koch’s Postulates affirms, the proof of the pudding is in the eating: when a known sample of the pathogen (critical proviso!) attempts to infect an individual, does s/he get sick; or slightly sick at least, whilst s/he deals with the incoming message and writes the new immune-system code? Or not? In the case of a herd-immune populace, of course, the upshot is ‘not’. Or not so’s you’d notice, at least, over and above the minor damn-nuisance of a cold. The code’s already there and, as soon as it detects the incoming message, it responds with a vigorous: “Oi you! Been there, done that! Thanks but no thanks! 'Byeeeee!”

But not all pathogens spread the same way, RG. And the fact remains that SARS was eradicated from the face of the planet. The virus most likely to be mistaken for this one…

If our health service wasn’t run by psychopaths and laissez faire capitalist tossers, SARS-The-Return would have been similarly eradicated.


Have you interviewed all the air-plankton beings, P? And you’re telling me there’s not a single SARS-the-original amongst them? :slight_smile:

I just don’t believe anything much ever gets ‘eradicated’ by human agency. That’s one of the many things we’re simply not up to, despite our ineffable narcissism. What’s always happened, it seems, is that all the ills which fail to ‘eradicate’ the whole of humankind fall back eventually into an endemic balance with us: the old ecological principle of dynamic balances of all the participants. Sometimes perturbed by newcomers to whom the rest of us are unused. But that always plays out as a brief rise in death-rates, with vulnerable candidates soon thinned to insignificance as a playground for the newbie, and with mutants quickly developing which are inherently - by natural selection - less lethal, because that gives them a better chance of not running out of candidates.

I imagine that’s what’s really happened with SARS1, and any other supposedly ‘eradicated’ pathogens. It’s their acquired low-lethality which allows them to linger unnoticed - only to re-appear later in history when conditions allow, to teach us not to be too uppity…

I expect the current not-particularly-impressive SARS to follow the same well-proven playbook. Indeed I - and a whole lot of others, by default - am betting my own life on precisely that strategy: stay fit, stay bolstered by well-proven helpers (like C and D), and, without any other tactics needed, wait for the newbie to sort itself back into the endemic background; which it’s doing, i think, even though this natural process has been just slightly fecked-up by the hysterically-inappropriate response of ‘our masters’ - driven on of course by criminal shysters on the make; the faucigatesoid psychopathic-criminal rabble.

I confess I don’t know of other ways than the flowing around of the air-plankton to spread viruses/exosomes. By actual contact I suppose. But then, how did the pathogens get to their contact position, if not by air-transport? Other vectors may exist, water-transport, I suppose. But even so, I can’t see them being huge, compared to the air-plankton flow. Certainly not enough to influence largely the ancient sequence of acute-to-endemic accommodation of new players in the game.

My intuition right now is that this taming sequence is already well along with SARS-COV2, and we only have to endure the psychos’ criminal efforts for a short while more, before it becomes too evident to be denied any longer that the - alleged - ‘pandemic’ is over. This Summer, I imagine, as the plebs simply refuse in critical-mass numbers - as we already are - to carry on with the bollocks, and the psychos and their servants in politics and media concede that this scam has been milked dry, and quietly drop it, to consolidate whatever fascistic gains they really have made.

That’s the real fight now, of course: to off their passports and universal injections; absolutely not for our benefit, but to make us into more efficiently-milkable, profitable cattle for the gics. And - quite possibly - for enforced population reduction, to thin out the herd a fair bit. Though as I’ve hinted before, I think that’s another thing that hom-sap simply isn’t up to. Good job the ancient natural population-balancing processes are coming into play spontaneously now, it seems - just as TLTG projected, in 1971!