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It's getting a bit lairy at the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss

Definitely some trouble at the mill

Quite aside from the Donbas referenda, its about to get very interesting in Italy, where maybe the new administration could be persuaded to investigate just what happened in Lombardy, in particular, in 2020. It was a big part of getting the narrative fix in, after all.

Jesus! WTF is going on there? I always thought Viviane came across as a bit odd. Or might Reiner be not quite what he has seemed. Can’t see that, quite; but what do I know? I can’t get any clear handle on this except: ‘Rows about money; as usual.’

I also wonder whether there’s a smell of a wrecking psyop going on here, to ruin all the committee’s work this past two years…?

Only glanced at this and don’t have time to watch it properly now but AFAICS nothing is said about the money at all!

Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer - CHD Press Conference

September 25th, 2022

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This vid has today’s date on it. Curiouser and curiouser. WTF is happening with the Committee?

One of those affairs when we’re just going to have to wait and see what comes out in the wash. I still wonder whether there’s some sort of wrecking psyop in play here.

Good question. On the basis of don’t believe a friggin word where it has a direct or indirect benefit for the NWO, then the Viviane Fischer video could well be a fake! I really hope so.

I didn’t listen to all of Fuellmich’s video, what seems key is what exactly happened to the money and why, not the work habits of the individuals. I’m not sure the problem should necessarily have been fatal, perhaps a mini crisis that became urgent - fuelled by a less than perfect work relationship. The public airing does look like spelling doom.

I don´t think Viviane is a fake, she has just flipped owing to personal problems. But I hope the show goes on without her.

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From what I can gather from the rather confused subtitles on the Reiner video, he’s chiefly complaining that she can’t seem to get herself organised and keep her share of the masses of work to do in order. That’s about all the perspective I can get on the matter right now.

I gave up on Fuellmich et cie a long time ago because churning out two hour videos to distract and stupefy opposition . . . You know the rest: Stop.Wasting.Everybody’s.Time.

That’s the law’s delay, K. The mills of God do indeed grind slowly; but they seem still to be grinding. And the tide has shifted strikingly since the committee began. The general, unstoppable suspicion of we plebs continues to grow about the scamdemic and the lethal stabs. There may still be a class-action that makes a splash - all over some of the perps… Hope still springing.

Today’s presser by Aseem Malhotra will be worth keeping an eye on. I haven’t read part 2 yet (second, identical-looking link) but his papers carefully outline how the scales fell from the eyes of a committed vaxxer

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This looks like a good summary/narrative of the main issues, and is well referenced. Thanks for posting. Glad you pointed out there’s actually a part 2!

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