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'It's a bioweapon!' - Dr. Richard Fleming

CGT’s interview with Dr. Fleming - of ‘The Fleming Method’ - on how the covid scam was unfolding eighteen months ago. Plenty were well aware of the realities even then. At one point, Richard quotes Dr. Simone Gold, founder of ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’, about the truly astonishing degree of corruption, at all levels, that she suddenly started to perceive when the covid scam awoke her to it. That’s my perception too: simply astonishing corruption throughout; a rotting society in need of a phoenix rebirth; at bottom, it’s a spiritual sickness:


This reminds me to post a link to Dr Malone’s latest book Lies My Government Told Me which is priced at £0 for the kindle version at the moment

It might be utter tripe but no real risk at that price. Unlike certain gene therapies (sorry, am getting coat).


Also well worth the time expended, I’m sure - I’ll be finding out :wink: Thanks for the tip KE

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