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Isn't Gladys lovely and nice

Gladys Berejiklian Takes Over The World


When you hear what comes out of the mouth of politicians like Gladys Jerkoff it’s absolutely jaw-dropping (have you seen her latest pronouncement?). She even looks like the wicked witch from the Wizard Of Oz, and may well suffer a similar fate…

Released in 1939, The Wizard Of Oz is stuffed full of symbolism about the coming storm that was WW2. You could equally apply the above clip to what is happening in Australia at the moment.

There are many stories about this film. One of my favourites is that the Munchkins would get high on liquor and pills and would indulge in orgies on the film set.

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Very well deserved, and only slightly exaggerated, let’s face it. I’ve realised, belatedly, that she reminds me of Lady Porter, or whatever her name was. The Tory council leader who sold off cemeteries to her mates for about a tenner. Vampires both.

Oh it’s a very rich source of FOAFlore and many references to contemporary US politics of the era.

As for the Munchkins getting loaded, they probably heard that Toto got better wages than them and figured Professionalism Be Damned.

[FOAF = Friend Of A Friend aka some bloke down the pub]


According to another FOAF story, apparently Toto got killed half way through the making of the movie. The totally stoned Munchkins pushed over a piece of heavy scenery that crushed the unfortunate canine to death. It’s said that if you look closely at the dog at the start of the movie it’s different from the dog in the latter part of the movie.

I dunno. All I can say is that the famous line “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto” is quite apt with regard to our present situation.

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Oh, and apologies to Rich for diverting this thread somewhat. Here’s Gladys Jerkoff’s latest one - after a preamble the actual clip starts at 1 minute 15…

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That’s a good un. I doubt the film was filmed linearly though, so the Toto/Toto mk 2 swap might not be so straightforward.

The dog attended the premiere of the film, but did suffer a leg injury so might have a different gait in some scenes. Or is that just the cover story put out by THEM…?

“Medical blackmail” - perfect summary of Gladys’s threats.

Seeing reports this AM that she’s had to resign. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.


You beat me to it, just found this out from Robin Minotti telegram. A Guardian article which I’ve no intention of reading mentions that she announced this after, seemingly, crying all night (I paraphrase). It’s the nasty non-cervix types who have caused this, one infers. What fresh horrors await…?

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The wicked witch of New South Wales is no more - quite a coincidence after Rich started this thread!

What the RT report omits, and what western media reports today also omit, is that an Australian politician called Clive Palmer recently held a press conference. Palmer heads the Australia First party and is a bit of a maverick. At the press conference, Palmer claimed that Gladys Berejiklian has been taking huge backhanders from big pharma in order to push the vaccines, and Palmer says he has proof of it…

With any luck Dictator Dan will be next.


Fascinating stuff, Jamie.

Baum’s original book, published in 1900, might have alluded to the Gold Standard, yet I feel that the movie made in the late 1930s leaned more towards what was happening in Germany and the coming war.

Anyhows, I haven’t watched this movie in yonks. I’ll go take another look at it. In the meantime, here’s another very brief clip, of the Munchkins! Look at the costumes and film set. I would hazard that this does not portray what Baum, living in America, wrote about…

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Yes, haven’t seen the film nor read the book for many a year now. The potential for ‘number crunching’ aside, I do remember that when I read a more extensive analysis of this thesis, I did find it pretty convincing.

Incidentally, although far from rare, a 1900 first edition in the attractive pictorial binding will set you back around £10,000; considerably more if in particularly fine condition. Follow the yellow brick road indeed!

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Good gawd, ten grand for a first edition! Sometime soon I’ll have a Wizard Of Oz night, and will sit down and watch the entire movie and take notes. It will help me to get away from the present madness.

In the meantime here’s the latest mayhem from Melbourne. It’s all for your 'elf, innit…