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Is There Such a Thing as Real Evil?

Yes, I know this is a very contentious subject.

It gets into the esoteric and the religious, etc.

I’m just interested in what people think about it.

I’m not going to editorialise. Yet I should say that over recent years, with the covid stuff, and now the Ukraine stuff (and whatever bollox is going to happen next), I’ve witnessed a large number of people turning to religion.

For the record, I’m agnostic, yet the ‘evil thang’ (in a spiritual sense) has always been a difficult one to address.

I’ve no doubt whatsoever that ‘evil’ has recently been unleashed on the world (I think I’ve stated that here before).

I suppose I’m stumbling to the question: what is evil?


Yes, definitely.

Far easier to describe what evil isn’t.

I’m not sure evil as such even exists. Even the craziest of leader loves someone or something. Evil doesn’t follow that.

I’ve long believed that we’re viewed as cattle, for milking and occasional slaughter. The need to process us faster has been decided. A farmer isn’t evil when he takes his stock to the knackers yard. Just business.

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There’s the constant circling dance of Yin and Yang. Viewed philosophically enough, that can seem to negate the idea of manichean ‘evil’. Yet we persist in this strong sense that it’s real nonetheless. Abiding mystery…

Cattle to slaughter, at an abstract level, is no more evil than a cheetah hunting a gazelle. But the people who design the processes for carrying this out efficiently and cheaply, to maximise profit, are facilitating evil. The PR agencies that insisted smoking cigarettes was not dangerous were facilitating evil. When Bernays hired some glamorous gals to be filmed smoking cigarettes, in order to spread the habit among women, he was facilitating evil. When Piers Morgan castigated vaccine refusers and suggested curtailing our freedom he was facilitating evil. When an agent provocateur deliberately leads protesters into the line of fire of police snipers she or he is facilitating evil. The snipers? Oh they’re just doing their jobs… of propping up the order-givers who foster evil.

Individual acts of cruelty, in the aggregate, are evil. Thoughtlessly tramping on ants is destroying life and destroying life is evil. Selling methamphetamine to teenagers is evil. Serving alcohol in a branch of Wetherspoons is not really any different but is legal.

A desire path forms when people cut across a piece of land in a consistent way. Ruts form on a track when carts follow the tracks of the previous carts. Our karma is created and recreated with each rebirth. Not reincarnation, but the continuity between the me that typed the first paragraph in this little rant, and the me that is typing this one. A very very similar me, but not the same one. But if I consistently facilitate evil then I make a path that is easy to follow, by force of habit, thoughtlessly, mechanically, regardless of always having the choice not to do so.

That’s how evil becomes a force larger than any of us.

Just a momentary slowing of the process by which a response manifests as a reaction can let me consciously choose between, for example, retaliation or harmlessness. Doesn’t make the choice an easy one, especially if I’m habituated to striking back, but it is a fundamental skill cultivated by Hindus, Jains, Sufis, Buddhists, Orthodox Christians, and others. I recommend it.

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Evil does not exist in the abstract it is a creation of man, however, it is manifest and even independent of its individual progenitors once spawned…

“The Fall”

Divided by common language we flutter by alone,

Lie together,

Taken or given,

Fearing the passage into darkness,

Sharing the night,

Emerging from the Sipapu ours is theirs,

So silence lives,

Fruit and seed nourished by the dying light.

What might dwell in and out of sight?

Belief we flame against encroaching evil extinguished by the void that searches deep within,

Blessed rain the tumbling weight of which roars its presence over; sand, gravel, stone, rock and boulder,

Leaping high,

Daring execution.

Will we rise again?



Everywhere upon the wind love let us be named!

Is it pride?

Prompts release.

Relinquish so much to gain the chance of future?

In an instant the incandescence imprints,

Of the diadem’s disturbance of the waters of Mimir insensate,

Ubiquitous propaganda,


United indeed.

Nb. Of the existence of a recent drama series of the same name I was unaware until today.

“Your love will be the death of me”

N.b Above not as punctuated on my Blog (some formatting issues recently): https://www.arafel.co.uk/2022/09/the-fall.html

Thanks everyone for your replies.

I really do find people’s take on this interesting (and particularly at this moment in history).

I don’t pretend to have any answer, which is why I asked the question.

And I look forward to any further thoughts that might be added.

(by the way, I did ask Herricka the cat this question, but she just went out and caught a rodent).

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Oh, and I came across this recently (courtesy of Rhis, BTL Off-Guardian, who was commentating on a link by another poster). I’ve put it up on my own blog because so much goes down the memory hole thesedays…


It’s only 30 minutes and well worth a listen, not least because of the ‘what is evil’ thing.

Karen, great post, and an awful lot to parse out there.

Unfortunately it’s quite late where I am, so I’ll have to try and give it a go tomorrow.