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Is the clunkypox scam already running out of steam?

Feels like it. No mention in the lugenpresse (radio division) for several days, with everything getting drowned in Windsorbollocks just now. Have the manipulators sussed already that this piece of fear-porn isn’t going to fly…?

The Ukro-hysteria seems to be ebbing too, as ‘our leaders’ realise that Russia is going to scoop this one, whilst we are busy committing economic suicide over it.

So what will the next would-be mass-stampeder fairy-tale be?

PS: Just picked up a droll version of the Five Stages of Grief, from a comedy post on Saker:

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Paying in Rubles. :grinning:

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I think even funnier than that is this one in reference to trolls.

“If they defecate through their mouths, I wonder if they should be fed through ……”

Buggered trolls! :rofl:

I’ve noticed a slight uptick in covid heresy both there and on MoA. What a relief that the latter site is finally readable again.

Not at all sure about Gonzalo Lira though. Gonzo Al Liar seems a neat anagram but I’m genuinely conflicted about his credibility. File with Edvard Slavsquat?

Yes, I suspect that both Andrei (and groupies) and bernhard, both being minds swayed fairly strongly by obvious facts, and inclined to draw conclusions accordingly, have both had ‘Oh shit!..’ moments, as the deceit-heavy catastrophe of the covid swindle, particularly the disastrous, heavily crime-laden poisons-stabs, has become unignorable. Certainly the ferocious censorship policing of comments on both sites - particularly by Amarynth at Saker - seems to have gone very quiet. I guess it’s what you do when you realise that you’ve made a big error.

I fancy that a lot of people are having such sobered-up re-awakening to sanity moments, as the covid mass formation has started to disintegrate.

So - I keep coming back to the odd question: why did I, and apparently a significant minority of others, simply never buy into the panic, even when it was freshly rampaging?

Maybe my life is just too serene to partake of those preliminary life-problems - widespread free-floating anxiety, loneliness, meaninglessness - which Mattias Desmet describes as essential prerequisites for making people susceptible to mass formations…? Certainly I’ve never suffered from any of those existential angsts.

Even when the scam was launched with the first burst of mass hysteria, in March 2020, I was just inquisitive, wondering what the hell was happening; but not the least bit caught up in the mass stampede.

Mattias says emphatically that a mass formation isn’t just like hypnosis, but is an identical mindstate. Maybe we resistors are just not in that thirty percent of people who are more than average suggestible…?

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Oh my goodness yes Amarynth can be a real klutz. Not quite of the same ilk as OffG’s " Sam/Admin2" who is frequently in zampolit mode and invariably insulting.

Hi folks, proof begins to come in that monkey pox is definitely bio-labbed manipulated - so we can expect to hear more once the numbers have built up in the background to reach pandemic declaration levels.


Daily Expose : "We allegedly have a circulating monkeypox virus in several first-world countries at the same time for the first time in history, and this alleged virus has over 50 mutations that have occurred in the space of 4 years instead of the 50 years it should have taken. And now we know it contains something that just shouldn’t be there.

Are we really to believe that if this virus exists that it has occurred naturally? If you buy into germ theory then this whole thing reeks of viral manipulation in a biolab."
