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Is kid jabbing just another statistic stich up?

Hi folks, I was just musing:

The very fact of injecting kids for covid reduces the most important cohort of the unvaccinated control group –those who are the least likely to have any problems at all from covid due to their most robust natural immunity. At the same time the jabbers hope to increase the numbers without side effects from the injection ( I wonder how well this is working out given the numbers of myocarditis in young males after the jab or does this mainly happen after 2 jabs?)

Reducing the numbers of those in the unvaccinated who are least likely to be affected by Covid and switching them to the vaccinated ( one jab only ) group looks like a statistical win win for BoJit if kids perform better than adults with the jab, and just a win ( by taking the best out of the unvaccinated control group) if they have serious side effects ( which they can of course “persuade” the MSM and SM to ignore as misinformation)!

To be fair and balanced this could of course be totally accidental as they pursue their evil genocidal policies! :wink:



Maybe so @CJ1. The problem really is that control of the narrative allows any number of scenarios to be pushed.

For example, if uptake is relatively high among secondary school pupils, AND if testing was scaled back, then that could plausibly be ruled out as a source of ‘cases’ if the Gov were sincere about minimising disruption to education.

If they want to magnify the impression of another ‘wave’ and justify further crackdowns then testing stays in place, or is pushed even harder, and winter sniffles of varying severity get counted as ‘cases’ and we’ll be told not enough folks, including kids, are getting their jabs.

My guess is that no matter how high the injections uptake is, it won’t be high enough, and - alas - Plan B will have to be invoked. Cue yet more demonisation of the filthy Unjabbed and everyone’s Christmas spoiled.

Will the masses fall for it this time, or have we sussed that the whole thing is about as credible as the one about the jolly dude in the red clobber delivering gifts down yours and my chimneys?

"Stay tuned as we cross to an intriguing new drama by young upstart Orson Welles entitled The War Of The Worlds... but first these brief words from our sponsors PharmaSnuff..."


These scenarios are all possible. We’re seeing manipulation in the data in the form of the pandemic of the vaccinated, prefaced by claims about covid deaths overwhelmingly affecting the Great Unvaxxed. This data (as well as focussing exclusively on Covid data) invariably refers back to essentially pre-vaccination time, thus starting the race by awarding the bulk of the peak of covid deaths to ‘the unvaccinated’ at a time where very few were vaccinated.
The scenario of merging the kids data is very likely - although there will likely be disproportionate deaths and illness from myocarditis, these will number smaller than adult deaths so will help make the overall picture look less severe.

You’re right about the 2nd dose being more risky. Peter McCullough said “In addition, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed subsequent to dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males.” (

(Posted on the other thread by @Rich THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT - a MUST read folks!)


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PS I liked your Freudian ‘misspel’ statistic stich up - how about a statistich? We can split the royalties :grinning:

Sorry to disappoint but the stich was a straight typo - but liked your statistich - this looks vaguely german I wonder how they spell it.

Afterwards I was in fact thinking I should have tried to push the Thomas Sheridan “needlecraft” metaphor into the stitch up but timing is everything.

On the myocarditis point I noticed the abstract you linked to also had this to say:
“Myocarditis rates reported in VAERS were significantly higher in youths between the ages of 13 to 23 (p<0.0001) with ∼80% occurring in males. Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group.”
19x the background rates for 12 to 15 year olds ! - I wonder where that fits in the comparative risk assessments for the covid virus for that age group which I thought was close to a lightening strike risk.


PS sorry @Evvy_dense I just noticed your post here

which completely covers the same point.

Hi @Kieran_Telo . Totally agree on all of that.
I just couldn’t see a reason for jabbing anyone under twenty as the risk of covid is almost 0.
The first big anti-control group move was against HCQ and Didier Raoult and everyone was in on that once Trump supported HCQ use.
Looking back one of the big pharma moves was to remove the placebo control group by giving them the jab for “ethical reasons”!
Also Sweden was the goto villain state for creating a control group of anti lockdowners, everyone hated them and they were of course threatened with Ferguson models which almost saw a hike in deaths due to excess laughter!
As you say the control over narratives is everything . It has completely filtered out narrative “control groups” in the MSM, Social M and much of the Alternative M!

This move against kids is the darkest, imo, it will not only kill and maim but will enable the ONS to run the vaxx stats for weeks without having to fiddle the numbers. All these additional vaccinated covid free numbers will all just fall into place as if by magic! ( the UK column mentioned their concern about ONS the other week and how it seems to have become politicised during the covid period)


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I’m no linguist but the English word comes from the German for “science of the state”, or something along those lines anyway.

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We are needing to wage the same campaign here in OZ, but are on a losing streak as parents have been so duped they are worried about their kids catching the disease and even dying, and so pushing to get them vaxed as rapidly as possible. This is happening at an astonishing rate, and breathless media commentators give updates on when the nearly approved vax for 5-11 year olds will also be approved, so that primary school children can be “protected”. As a childless 70 year old who thought there were far too many people back in the 70s, I find it ironic that I am now so concerned at the spiking of kids with this demented toxin, but it’s something I can hardly bear to watch but which they insist on showing us - the ultimate in child-vax porn. Our kids have only been getting done for a few weeks, so not many second jabs yet, but already Moderna is being wheeled out, and by all accounts appears to be causing more myocarditis than Pfizer. this even got a mention today in the media as “concerns of side effects like myocarditis from Moderna jabs can be dismissed as none have been linked to the vaccine yet from 180,000 jabs. There were three cases, but only mild and quickly recovered.”
They haven’t yet mentioned cases of myocarditis from Pfizer, because noone has asked, and they have never admitted to the danger, beyond printing something on the vaccine bottle label as a “warning”. To the doctor? Wouldn’t he know!! I cannot understand how doctors and nurses giving these jabs are not worried, though it seems that quite a few nurses are worried about getting it themselves and about to lose their jobs over it. It will be good to see them gone from the system anyway.

The point about vaxing kids increasing the number of harmless vaxes had not occurred to me! How insanely devious and malignant is that. But I can believe anything now from these liars and psychopaths.

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If the people behind the scamdemic are as devious as they seem, ‘vaccinating’ lots of children with placebos would be an obvious play: the children mostly aren’t going to get even noticeably under the weather from covid, and will be long-term naturally immune from it afterwards (if the pathogen hasn’t been in some way doctored to prevent that natural outcome), so it becomes possible to say: “See! Next to no bad outcomes, percentage-wise, and lots of young people ‘protected’. These injections are the dog’s bollocks. Only fools refuse them!” (Cackles quietly at the thought of the as-yet unseen long-term effects already baked into the situation, for everyone who’s already taken the authentic, non-placebo stabs…) God help the unwary!

This is Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York state, speaking recently…

New York state is in the process of passing draconian legislation the like of which has never been seen before (it codifies the government’s complete control over people’s lives - including carting you off, without any kind of warrant, to be held indefinately in a ‘detention centre’). Exactly the same laws are at present being passed in many countries all around the world.

You’re right Rhis, there was a report out the other day showing the varieties of cocktails in the jabs some being placebos! I forget where I read it! I hope they do for the sake of the kids, but of course it’s difficult to prove!


What a perfect example of evil!

Over the last 18 months, on early evening news (when lots of kiddies will be watching) I’ve seen graphic reports from intensive care units, and reports about funeral pyres in India, etc.

Yet they really care about the children, don’t they…

Go look up ‘NewsGuard’ if you want yet another hollow laugh.

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Follow up to the use of placebo jabs - here’s the video where I think I picked it up, 2 minutes in :


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Seems a good place to put this; just heard a flu jab drive ad on the radio, one laying the fear on good ‘n’ thick. It finished by saying that if you had a child that would be two or three (?) in September (old ad I guess) then they too would need the jab. Get ‘em while they’re young; they’re lovely!

Hi @Jamie, I bet you almost wrote “Seems a good place to stich this…” :wink:

  • it still amazes me that nearly all of us are falling for things like this some of the time.


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