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Iran pounds Israeli air bases

The shit is truly hitting the fan now


Lots of videos at link

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Hi Ali. I haven’t watched the videos from your link but I have watched two other sources showing missiles and their counter-fire. What was interesting in the context of 5f, was this.

Aljazeera showed what looked like lots of missiles and anti-missile fire. A few (either missiles or shrapnel) hit the ground. There were very few that did and there were no explosions on impact. They also had lots of US spokesmen making statements and ‘answering’ questions, almost ad infinitum.

Iranian TV showed the same sort of stuff, but the result was quite the opposite. Many missiles reaching the ground and almost every one of those resulting in a clear explosion.

Once upon a time I considered Aljazeera as a reliable source of news. While better than some, the Quatari/Saudi alliance clearly puts them in the western camp and their news coverage serves to confirm that.


totally agree @PatB

what I’ve seen on twitter and other sites is what you said above - lots of missiles landing, almost no AD missiles hitting anything.

Apparently, the rumour at the moment is that Israel has asked some satelite imaging companies to add clouds over their air bases to hide the images of damage done by Iranian hits. As before, the easiest way to prove that there was no damage would be to invite journos to those areas and show them. That ain’t happening.

All this suggests that the MSM are (as usual) peddling propaganda. Otherwise why have these journos not shown any photos of the intelligence offices that were hit in Tel Aviv? That’s a civilian area, easy to take photos…

Aljazeera’s reporting is very sus in certain areas, not the least of which is the ongoing war in Ukraine. Their coverage is pretty crap. I guess that AJ is busy keeping it’s financial and corporate backers happy, like all the major MSM players.


Satellite Images Reveal “Severe Damage” at Israel’s Nevatim Military Air Base Following Iranian Attack - Maariv

The images appear to show significant roof damage to a series of buildings located near the main runway, with large debris scattered around the area.

The damage will “negatively affect Israeli air defense,” Maariv said.


“Severe damage”? Looks pretty light to me. That said, photos that cannot be corroborated are always sus to me. It seems to me that the Western media are completely captured and show whatever the GIC’s want shown. From the night time images in Tel Aviv, I would be really surprised if that was the only ‘severe’ damage.


Fully agree. We’re not going to get the truth any time soon.

Green area is the base. Red area is what they have shown

Artificial cloud cover in use

Damage images released by Maxar