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Investigating whether DMT can help stroke victims

Psychedelic Drug DMT To Be Trialed On Stroke Victims

Researchers are to begin trialing the use of the psychedelic drug DMT as a treatment for stroke patients, after preclinical studies on rats indicated that the substance could help the brain repair itself following injury. If results are positive, DMT could potentially become a first-line medication for stroke, given to patients while in the ambulance in order to limit the amount of brain damage that occurs.

The study is being led by Dr Rick Strassman, who famously labeled DMT ‘The Spirit Molecule’ after conducting the first human studies involving the drug. His work was later turned into a popular documentary, co-produced by Strassman and narrated by comedian, psychedelics enthusiast and mixed martial arts pundit Joe Rogan.

Known for its ability to generate intense out-of-body experiences, DMT might not seem like the most appropriate medication for a stroke victim, yet Strassman insists that only “sub-psychedelic doses” will be used for this purpose. “You want to avoid the psychedelic effect because you don’t want a stroke patient tripping,” he told IFLScience.

Previous studies have shown that DMT helps to keep brain cells alive when oxygen is cut off, promotes neuroplasticity, and encourages neurogenesis or the formation of new neurons. “So with respect to stroke, it makes perfect sense, because you’d be giving DMT in conditions where you need neuroplasticity, neurogenesis and protection from hypoxia,” says Strassman.

In a study conducted last year, rats that had undergone stroke displayed reduced brain injuries and increased motor function after being given DMT. Those that received the drug also had elevated levels of a neuronal growth factor called BDNF in their blood plasma, while genes associated with inflammation were reduced.

The big question that Strassman now hopes to answer is “whether or not the neuroplastic, neurogenerative and neurotrophic effects of DMT can be attained without the psychedelic effects.”

A Phase I study is expected to begin “in the next three to six months”, according to Chris Moreau, whose company Algernon Pharmaceuticals is funding the trial. “We’re looking to start a Phase II in early 2022, but if we get our Phase I started earlier we might even get to a Phase II before the end of this year,” he says.

The Phase I trial will involve only healthy participants and will seek to determine the dose of DMT that can be used without producing psychedelic effects. It will also closely monitor any changes in blood pressure, as this is obviously a major concern for stroke victims.

The results of this work, combined with further preclinical studies on animals, will determine the nature of the Phase II trial, which will involve actual stroke patients. If these early trials indicate that DMT does not cause dangerous increases in blood pressure then it may be considered safe to give to hemorrhagic stroke victims, thereby supporting its use immediately after the event, possibly even in the ambulance.

However, if there is any uncertainty about this then it will not be possible to administer DMT until after a patient has had a CT scan in order to determine if their stroke is hemorrhagic or ischemic.

Ischemic strokes are caused by blood clots in the brain and are generally treated using a blood thinner called Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA). However, giving such a medication following a hemorrhagic stroke is extremely dangerous, which is why all stroke patients must wait for a scan before receiving any treatment.

Yet if DMT is found to be safe for both types of stroke then it could be administered immediately, potentially halting the damage and speeding up recovery in the brain.

super annoying link:

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Why does Algernon Pharmaceutical sound so instantly like one of those insider joke names, like Rishi Sunak’s Crowleyesque hedge fund…?

Could the name be anything to do with Flowers For Algernon?

Happily the CEO is merely Mister Moreau and not the good doctor…

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Lol! My sleep deprived brain entirely missed those fabulous connections :slight_smile:

If I were a Mister Moreau in such circumstances, is be working hard on my PhD!

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Weird how everyone wants to “avoid the psychedelic effect”. Why? That’s surely the most liberating part about DMT, quite apart from its regenerative effects - which are, I suppose why we have, as with cannabis, endogenous systems to make these bio-chemicals ourselves, internally.

Behold the cosmic foolishness! Substances created naturally within our bodies are classed in backward, gic-ravaged places such as USuk as ‘illegal drugs’. Utter bloody nonsense!


Yeah, the whole classification of these substances is reflective of how dangerous a truly free and creative thinker is to our current society. Don’t forget Nixon calling Timothy Leary the “most dangerous man in the world!”

I understand why Nixon would say that. I don’t understand why the rest of humanity didn’t just laugh in his face…

I wonder what the effect of having a truly transcendent full-blown out of body experience would be on someone in the middle of having a stroke would be… Maybe a lot less scary than the experience of the stroke itself…



The War On Some Drugs, as PP implies, is very much about classification, with immense doses of hypocrisy, captured pretty well by Cockburn + St Clair.


I haven’t got around to this one yet

The GsIC certainly prefer hyped/sedated/addicted/distracted minions, anything really other than entheogen users and similar enlightened folks able to escape their conditioning.

And stimulants are so much more profitable.

To quote La Coka Nostra, the brand you can trust:

We’re all clinically depressed, they got us all manic
We keep swallowin they pills so we don’t fuckin panic


Interestingly, in this little nest of bare-foot self-doctors where I live, having got the art of growing our herbal medicines and extracting the beneficent oil from them down to a pretty smooth-running skill, we now started discussing, just this afternoon, the parallel art of extracting DMT from appropriate plant-stocks, for yet more psycho-somatic-spiritual healing work to boot.

The adult son of one of us has already managed this, and reports life-changing - and very much life-enhancing - experiences from taking psychedelic doses. I can’t wait! :wink:

Quite apart from anything else, it seems from the testimony of pioneer users to be an excellent way to mimic the experiences of Near-Death adventurers, who so consistently assert that their - accidental - route through to the transcendental realms gives them absolutely cast-iron mindset revolutions on the all-important matter of death:

“Simply changed my attitude to it completely. It no longer worries me at all!”: a repeated comment coming from survivors of NDEs. DMT seems to have a similar enabling effect, from accounts which I’ve heard.

Just as well for someone as ancient as me! “I have a journey, sir, shortly to go / My master calls me. I must not say no.” (Kent, at the end of ‘King Lear’, in case you’re wondering… :slight_smile: )