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Interesting story from Jon Rappoport. Make of it what you will

I have no firm opinion. It rings true, though. This is how it’s done, I suspect. Note in particular the text-book description of how Deceived Influencers amongst the technocrat/medical-hierarchy bourgeoisie are primed with the beliefs required of them. Don Vito Corleone would have loved this how-to guide, describing as it does exactly how mafias work:



Personally, I hold Rappoport in very high regard. He’s not that well known as you need to subscribe to get a lot of his stuff. However, I’d liken him to Whitney Webb. He researches in great detail and very carefully. When he talks or writes on a subject, he relates all the detail including dates.

I found the article very believable, and coming from Rappoport, even more so. Thanks for posting.