Link discovered here:
Discovered at JMG’s ‘Dreamwidth’ blog here:
My comment posted at ‘ForecastingIntelligence’:
FI, I’m confused: Why does your post start with this:
“I do not subscribe at all to “vaccines are making people sicker than they’d be if they’d gotten COVID”
But then you go on to detail lots of evidence that the poison-stabs do indeed do just that?
Obviously they do make people sicker: Admitted to be flops when it comes to immunising recipients; doesn’t stop them getting the covid-flu; doesn’t stop them being infectious; doesn’t reduce hospitalisations; and produces massive leaps in deaths and maimings from adverse events (as the life-insurance industry is now lamenting in panic, looking at the sudden massive rise in claims which they’re having to field).
I’ve never taken any of the poison-stabs. I got what appeared - from symptoms - to be the covid-flu in the early Summer of 2020 (aged 79). I consulted no doctor, nor hospital. I treated myself with 30 grams (sic! Grams!) of sodium ascorbate (the mild-tasting, stomach-easy form of vitamin C) per day, dissolved in a jug of water, taken a mouthful at a time every half hour round the clock (divided doses), for three days; 90 grams (sic!) in total, then tailing off to my usual daily prophylactic practice of two grams per day in slow-release tabs, morning and evening.
During that 3-day time I was - literally - very slightly under par. Thereafter I was well again, and - I now assume - I have acquired robust natural immunity to the new flu, and have had zero trouble from it, in any of its alleged ‘variants’, ever since. I have never masked, anti-social-distanced, or accepted house-arrest. Result: Zero harm from any of my refusenik stances.
Other highly-effective self-medications besides vitC have been around as well, discovered by various serious, principled front-line doctors, to treat covid effectively, since late 2020; viciously suppressed by the criminal Big Pharma propaganda machine, of course.
Surely all these considerations are relevant to the discussion, aren’t they? Seems to me that the covid scam has produced two clear results: Gigantic swindle-profits for the BPh gangsters and their carrot-and-sticked grift-receivers in the medical, media and politics industries; and a vast and still-growing tally of propaganda-trusting people who have had their future health threatened, and quite possibly ruined, by swallowing the con, and taking the poison-stabs.
Isn’t all that coming undeniably clear by now?