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Interesting analysis of unadmitted stuff found in the poison-stabs

This view of the mass-injection swindle seems to be gaining ground, not only as a narrative but as a credible scientific hypothesis, amenable to replicatable, falsifiable* experimental testing.

Caveat emptor, and take a largish pinch of salt with you. But that said, this story does at least seem feasible. It’s farthest claim - that stabbed swindlees are susceptible to ‘brain control’ - may be more speculative than the main story, which in essence is nano-structure building-blocks present in the poisons. But on the other hand, it’s a hypothesis well worth investigation, H/t ‘The Duran’ for this lead:

*In the special technical meaning used in the scientific method: any hypothesis which is logically amenable to experimental investigation, to see whether it can be dis-proven thus, on the principle that real science is as much about showing what’s not true, as what is.

And another interesting story along similar lines: essentially that the poison-stabs are causing a huge, documentable spike in excess deaths amongst insurable categories of people who previously had much lower rates in the actuaries’ tables. Another lead via ‘The Duran’: