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Instructive comparison by geologist Dan Britt of natural PLUS anthropogenic climate effects

Another useful narrative to help get a sensible grasp on what’s happening.

I call it a ‘narrative’ because - persuasive though it seems - it IS just yet another story of what’s happened in the past, and how those same long-term natural cycles are likely to affect the future; but with anthropogenic atmospheric CO2 added to the picture this time round.

In keeping with my recent uncomfortable realisation that I really don’t KNOW for sure which long-held beliefs are true, because most of them were deliberately inserted into my background assumptions about reality during my early-life indoctrination, and virtually all these beliefs were accepted on trust, absolutely without any hard-nosed sceptical investigation by me, right down to the very bones of the available evidence, I’m obliged to ask some basic questions:

How many of these unexamined assumptions are now getting proven wrong? Do germs even exist at all, and if so, do they have the health-effects that we’re all indoctrinated to believe? Or might it be that benign and ecologically-essential exosome-messengers, which don’t actually make a healthy person experience ‘illness’ at all, is a more accurate portrayal of them? Is anthropogenic CO2 generation actually happening, and if it is, does it even get out of the ‘noise’ margins, amongst all the natural cycles that seem to have so much more effect on climate? And - since we’re supposedly on a downward temperature gradient according to the - geologically very well established - Milankovitch cycles, might the postponement of the current slide towards the increased glaciation of the next (already over-due) ice-age be a rather good thing?

I begin to see the outlines of an arresting possibility: Might it be that anthropogenic CO2 postpones the onset of the next glacial period for a while; but then the Long Descent away from industrial civilisation enforces our retreat in total brute numbers of humans, together with a similarly-enforced reversion to a previous-era agrarian lifestyle for the survivors, together also with increased forest-and-prairie re-greening of the Earth (which we’re already seeing); but all this only for us then to see a thus-enforced reduction of humankind’s release of anthropo-CO2; which thus allows the downward trend in mean temperatures to pick up again, and usher the Earth towards it’s now-overdue next cooling episode?

Since it seems to me that the long-term natural cycling of insolation of the Earth, plus the Long Descent, are the two dominant features of these questions, the outcome outlined above might well be what is seen eventually to happen: not so much runaway global heating as a slightly postponed planetary re-glaciation…?

Oh, and together with the metre-or-three sea-level rise which - apparently - always seems to accompany rises in atmospheric CO2, according to the geologic record?

Not exactly the sort of ‘immediate panic right now!!!’ scenario which the would-be-globalist shysters on the make gics are trying to foist on us currently, through the propaganda-storm of the PBB, is it…? (But that’s all about setting up the carbon cap’n’trade money-cascade racket, of course.)

PS: Another crucial question is broached by Patrick Moore: Until the advent of human-generated CO2 release, via our getting at the sequestered-hydrocarbon stocks in the Earth’s crust, the geological record shows a worrying, steady, millions-of-years long decline in atmospheric CO2. Patrick points out that it had got down to 180 ppm, just 30 parts above the 150 ppm cut-off point where photosynthesis stops, even amongst C4-type plants, for lack of atmospheric-carbon feedstock, and all life begins to die of starvation.

And it seems clear that vulcanism, useful though it is, wasn’t reversing that downward trend adequately. Not without a catastrophic new Siberian-Traps/Deccan-Traps episode, to release enough rock-trapped CO2; probably needing another asteroid strike, to set it off…

So - I come back to another speculation: did - well, something (I posit Mam Gaia as a possible agent) - decide that it was time to bring on hom-sap as a rescue-agent, by triggering us to begin, first, the Agrarian Revolution, then the Industrial Revolution, simply in order to engineer a reversal of the CO2 famine, as both revolutions began to do; first by forest-clearing agriculture, including (farting and burping) animal husbandry, then by fossil-hydrocarbon burning?

To anyone who takes seriously - as I do - Rupert Sheldrake’s assertion that cosmological objects, such as the Sun and the Earth, are likely to have conscious intelligences of their own, that hypothesis - of Gaia moving to correct the CO2 famine via one of her odder children - is actually plausible. It seems to have been a pretty pat coincidence that the hom-sap cavalry came charging to the rescue just at the eleventh hour, dunnit? :slight_smile:

And then there’s Tom Campbell’s assertion to add to the mix: That any smaller consciousness, even that of a star, is going to be simply a promontory outgrowth of his ‘Larger Consciousness System’ (Big Mind), which he asserts is behind the very existence of this physical, material reality, created by Big Mind as a special forcing mechanism to increase the efficiency of it’s - BM’s - eternal, inescapable Great Purpose: the endless pushing back of high entropy, in order to keep itself from dissolving back into universal white noise again. We ‘Individuated Units of Consciousness’ - aka immortal souls - being special organs extruded by Big Mind from itself, to be really efficient agents for maintaining low entropy - by, as Tom puts it, “growing towards love”…

Nice idea, eh? :laughing: