As revealed by Squawkbox (H/T JohnL, TLN)
Video: ex-cop tells inquiry under oath that security services’ job is to smear people
Live broadcast goes off-air within moments of confession
"A former undercover police officer has told the undercover policing inquiry – under oath and on camera – that it was the job of the security services to smear people, while the police just gather evidence. The admission – which Trevor Morris quickly said he shouldn’t have said, brought a bemused reaction from the barrister questioning him:
[ED: The barrister asked him to confirm one way or the other, then the hearing was interrupted, with a promise that the transcript would contain everything that was said]
The live feed of the inquiry session went offline almost immediately after that – but the transcript of the event still contains the admission at the time of writing."
Not any more it doesn’t :
But the rest of this - I only gave it the barest of skims as I looked for the ‘smear’ statement - suggests that there should be no surprise at the latest relevation made.
Squawkbox concludes
“As Irish left-winger Brenda Gough observed, the admission is surprising only for its honesty. British intelligence services have a [grim record of colluding in criminality]”(How MI5 is helping to cover up sexual abuse) of the worst kind:
A piece of irony - while the subject matter is the infiltration of left wing groups like The Socialist Workers Party (and the dirty deeds involved), it is the right wing Breitbart News that gives a bit more on the cloak of secrecy that was thrown over the admission with impressive speed.
It is also striking for its threatening tone.
Breitbart reports (my emphasis added):
"The feed returned some 45 minutes later with the chairman of the Inquiry, retired High Court judge Sir John Edward Mitting warning the journalists in the room not to report what had been said during a period of time when the cameras had been off.
Sir John said, in sombre tone: “before you resume, may I say to those behind that there is a purpose to these orders. I know that you have complied with them up to now. They are serious orders, they do have a potentially serious consequence if they are breached. Please, I ask of you as well as demand of you, comply with what the order requires you to do. A transcript in due course will be published, which will contain part of that what was said between the hours of 11:16 and 11:22, but only part of it”.
Of these orders, the Inquiry official website notes: “These restrict certain information from being disclosed or published. They are issued by the Chairman and are legally enforceable.”"
So, it could be reported what was said in the hearing (possibly as some journalists might have already tweeted it) but if they reported what was said when the cameras were off, they’d be in trouble.
Giving it to us straight. There is a “purpose to these orders” all right