I don’t know about anyone else but the drive in the media this week to terrify everyone into a second lockdown and god knows what else reminds me very much of the media campaign that led up to the Iraq war. Obviously the twenty odd thousand ‘cases’ per day weren’t having the relevant effect on peoples psyches so we had 100,000 a day from the sodding Imperial College, 50,000 a day from the ONS, half a million a week, again from the ONS and today SAGE are saying that their worst case scenarios will be exceeded. All this of course is accompanied by ‘human interest’ stories with titles like ‘We feel unsafe when shoppers don’t wear masks’, ‘Am I allowed to hug my friends now?’, ‘Covid-19 : We need a circuit breaker’ and ‘Is a national blanket lockdown inevitable?’. However the Chris Morris award for most blatant propaganda goes, today, to the BBC’s Clive Myrie and his video which is linked from the BBC News main page under the title ‘This Pandemic is instant death’ -
Have a quick watch…
Meanwhile, in the ‘real’ world, I still don’t directly know anyone who has died from it. I’ve worked throughout this year and many of my gardening customers are elderly people. Not one has died. Not one has had ‘it’. Not one has related how friends have died. Now, full disclosure, a customer’s husband, a man in his late 70’s in late stage dementia who was transferred to a home a couple of months before he died, by his daughters account, caught it and died. She also caught it. She is fine. I’ve largely gone about my day, shopping, walking around, visiting my Mum, hugging my Mum, seeing my Brother, hugging my brother. No one has had it or knows anyone that has had it, let alone died.
Anyway, all this is leading up a chart I saw from the W.H.O. regarding global instances of flu, posted on the 23rd of this month.
Here it is
So, as you can see, flu is gone, presumably scared off by the awesome threat of COVID-19
Everything is being lumped into the Covid figures; cases, hospitalisations, ICU, deaths. Because it can’t be the case that flu is gone. I don’t trust the figures as it, but whatever they are (and I accept that there is something called SARS-CoV-2) this chart and the abscence of any flu has to be significant. The fact is, if people stopped to think about it, this massive inflation of cases (500,000 a week for example) works against the idea that the fatality of the disease is anything out of the ordinary, given that deaths are in the low hundreds and further given that the certification of deaths with/from Covid is a unknowable and highly problematic variable. But the headlines are what is important.
We’re being played people.
A final note.
I’m from Luton and follow the local team. Our main striker had to miss a couple of games because he tested positive for Covid. In any serious world that would mean he HAS IT. Right? And even a mild cold would make you feel a bit shitty for a good few days.
Here he is, about half way through his ordeal
No sense from the comments that he’s been ill or felt under the weather. No, just keeping fit until he can return having not been ill in any way. Which he did.
We’re being played people
As always, I stand to be corrected on my conclusions and inferences. I’m not a doctor, a physician, an epidemiologist or a virologist. However, it doesn’t feel right and never has, just as the lead up to the Iraq war didn’t. I’ll link again to a highly relevant video that may have been missed by some as I think it outlines what may be really going on.