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In which US state are they most expert at counting

Why Nevada, of course!

Except when it comes to counting votes.

They Can’t Count Even in Vegas Now? Transcript from “America This Week”

“If they counted money the way they’re counting ballots, those people would be in Lake Mead tied to a cinder block,” says Walter Kirn, on the Nevada elections

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Gruesome metaphor but right on the money (sorry). About the only comprehensible part of the talking head’s explanation was “50000 ballots”, although it seemed in fact to be 55000. But, sheesh, ten percent…? Who cares.

Apparently a major issue in Arizona, setting aside the broken machinery of various categories, have been postal ballots that people “walked in” on polling day. Seemingly no one quite knows how to count these, or there is a need for extra scrutinizing, or some or other occult nonsense.

It looks very much to me as if the most prominent ‘election-denier,’ will lose narrowly but this absolutely positively is not a deliberate strategy to provoke a reaction that will prove that “democracy is under threat” as the Democratic party said along. Hush my cynical tongue.

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