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In case Reiner Fuellmich has been forgotten, some detailed info on the case

Although this article is from May 2024, I, and perhaps many others will not have seen it. It brings a lot of clarity to all the alleged financial irregularities and all rings true to me.

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Snap! Thanks Pat - I was going to post this later today! The link below was sent to me by a friend late last night.

Reiner Fuellmich’s drawing of himself in prison:

This shocking picture above is from Elsa Shieder’s substack dated 28th October 2024 (link below) where there is much more info including interviews and links. Also info on Ed Wackerman’s arrest and cruel imprisonment in Texas:

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Great interview with Reiner Fullmich & Elsa Schieder. (Scroll down a bit).

The war against whistleblowers and dissenters a sign of the corruption of western govts. It is now clear to those who wish to know the truth, that the whole covid affair was a gigantic fraud, but there has been no reckoning for the guilty, and brave peope like Reiner, Vernon Coleman, Sucharid Bhakti, etc have been/are still being persecuted. And Germany is begining to resemble 1930.

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Yes the choice of people to (supposedly) legally harrass - and try to torture in a way so as to get away with it - is very revealing.

Rust never sleeps. Initiatives like this being pushed all over the place.

Are Vaccine Passports Just Around the Corner? U.S., Canada, Mexico Launch Pandemic Preparedness Initiative

The U.S., Canada and Mexico last week launched a joint pandemic preparedness initiative that one critic warned could empower the WHO to impose global control measures like vaccine passports.

Nice to see you post Sanjeev.

Some promising good news here folks on Reiner Fuellmich!


A change of government in Germany might help? But some time away.

Meanwhile it’s looking bleak for C J Hopkins at the moment.