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Ignore the shade of the green slime

There have been some interesting apologetics appearing.

First there was this apology:

Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty

Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve.
By Emily Oster

With the lack of genuine admission of specific guilt, this likely wouldn’t have fooled anyone here (also, it came out on Hallowe’en :wink:) but the conciliatory tone struck a chord with Dr Pierre Kory who tweeted it out. He realized he’d been hoodwinked when this rebuttal Dissecting the Deceptive Plea for COVID-19 Amnesty came out from the excellent though anonymous ‘A Mid Western Doctor’.

Back to the drawing board for the propagandists - must do better.

A better attempt appeared at the end of January - maybe these are going to become a quarterly event :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion

This caused an intial sensation. A medical student holding the establishment to account?

Indeed, this part was eyecatching:

" I can see now that the scientific community from the CDC to the WHO to the FDA and their representatives, repeatedly overstated the evidence and misled the public about its own views and policies, including on natural vs. artificial immunity, school closures and disease transmission, aerosol spread, mask mandates, and vaccine effectiveness and safety, especially among the young. All of these were scientific mistakes at the time, not in hindsight. Amazingly, some of these obfuscations continue to the present day."

Leaving aside the description of the ‘scentific community’ as being somewhere between the CDC, the FDA and the WHO
Mistakes not just in hindsight; vaccine safety…wow.
The link on vaccine safety is to an article illustrating that any benefit of boosters for students is more than offset by harm, and that the supposed wider benefit in terms of transmission doesn’t really exist.

Quite good, but what about the adult population? What about the suppression of early treatments, the covering up of damage, the witch hunts against dissident doctors, the ongoing booster risks for everybody? Seems to be arguing just for the roughest edges to be planed.
And you might well wonder why a genuine message of concern did not spell these issues out rather than put them in a link that requres a bit of further probing.

That’s because he is still firmly in the vaccine camp:

" Instead, we have witnessed a massive and ongoing loss of life in America due to distrust of vaccines and the healthcare system;"

So…the vaccines are great if only we didn’t give them to the wrong people.
It would seem that the aim is to improve public trust in the medical leaders, ie those in power.

But this is a much better attempt, and here’s Pierre Kory again to prove it:

We All Got Fooled Again

I discovered that I, like so many of us, failed to see Newsweek’s “Scientific Community Apology” article published this week for exactly what is was - pure propaganda. Again. They just won’t stop.

Early treatment for propaganda pieces is important, and the Midwestern Doctor was quickly on it, responding within a few days:

Dissecting The New Plea for COVID Amnesty

TBH I’m not greatly keen on this either. It addresses the posturing of the propaganda piece, but doesn’t address the bald fact of the harms very directly, in terms of suppressing treatments for covid for the benefit of the vaccine-pushing industry, and then the vaccine harms. AMWD is well aware of the former, but you have to wade through a lot to get this, near the end:

“One of the core rules is that you cannot treat most viral infections (other than giving Tylenol to suppress the fevers the infections create—which is not a treatment for the infection and often significantly worsens it). If you think about this for a moment, it doesn’t make sense; people have very different responses to a viral infection, so it must be possible to do something to help those who get quite ill. Because this rule held throughout the pandemic, every single treatment that was brought forward for COVID-19 was blacklisted (I know now dozens of treatments that I am relatively certain are effective, including many I have personally used).”

So, early treatments work. Hold the rest of the article, and read it backwards.

This ‘blacklisting’ and witch-hunting extends to physicians and all medics and has led to a push for doctors to be reduced, when then powers decide, to mute pill and jab dispensers; with the powers - that ‘scientific community’ - being the corporate WHO. With dissent being more or less illegal.
It would have been most useful for this to be in the forefront. Maybe I missed it and it’s there somewhere, but that’s still the point.

But questions are now being asked about the author of the propaganda piece, Med student Kevin Bass, and why Newsnight ran with this story when qualified doctors can’t get a look in.
The battle-hardened Dr Meryl Nass asks who authorised it?

She comments:

Will the real Kevin Bass stand up? Who is the author of the Newsweek apologia?

Just a few tweets provides a lot of information. Thx again to A Midwestern Doctor for decoding his hogwash (or someone’s hogwash with his name appended to it) for us.

Meryl Nass

8 hr ago

“It seems he used to tweet about eugenics. He liked it”

This is Kevin Bass’s tweet:

“I don’t see how we can avoid eugenics in the 21st century. jobs for the less intelligent are scarcer and scarcer. big social problems on the horizon. what’s a credible response vs eugenics? people need meaning and purpose.”

Oh dear. But thanks for telling us! It’s Harari in a clean white coat.
Yes, the ‘less intelligent’ are always going to be a problem, when you focus on making the ‘more intelligent’ more ‘intelligent’ still.

Oh dear.



Excellent ferretting, E! Thanks! One thing that needs to be said loud and clear: SOME of the people behind the covid scam were perfectly-consciously, cold-bloodedly conspiring criminally to foist the covid scam on the world, Tedros, Consigliere Tony Fauci and the Bellender Foundation’s two big cheeses being prime examples (maybe that’s why Melinda finally abandoned Bill, in terminal disgust at being sucked into his crimes).

It was this clique of crooks who manipulated all the useful-idiot technocrats who ran so enthusiastically with the conspirators’ - deliberate - lies. There’s no glossing over that, nor the criminal irresponsibility of the millions of useful-idiots who pushed the lie so naively. Softening excuse-narratives don’t cut it. A properly-truthful reckoning is needed.


Thanks for the excellent post @Evvy_dense. I’d seen the Newsweek article a while back but didn’t make it to the end: something didn’t seem quite right. The fact that it was Newsweek was a big red flag to be honest.

The Midwestern Doctor has a decent go at pulling it apart but succumbed to his/her usual weakness of never quite getting to the point.

I agree with Rhis that the “whoops, how could we have overlooked x or y or z” apologia has no resonance. The Democrats and WEF weaponized Covid, no two ways about it. Anyone who contradicted their totalitarian bullshit was a danger to society and a Trumpite what’s more. How forgiving are we supposed to be? They need to shut the $£&&% up and bow out of public life now before they are lynched. Sorry to vent but this patronising crap has gone on for long enough.

As for the eugenics tweet quoted towards the end of Evvy’s post; this is entirely consistent with the ‘dump the old farts in nursing homes’ dodge pioneered in NYC and N.Italy before that. Canada and Britain were enthusiastic adopters. Reducing the lifespan of people who aren’t smart connected enough to get a pretend job in academia or one of the ‘professions’, BBC, etc, is that exact same agenda.


Ahh eugenics. You first is the only reply to any promoter.

Keep thinking about that Baldwin quote concerning society and folks with nowt

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Thanks Rhis and KarenEliot I agree with your summaries.
The mass-murders have merely paused, and those directly responsible are touting for a bit of forgiveness; in order that they may keep their positions of power, regroup and complete the job.

@LocalYokel, is that the Baldwin quote about someone with nothing to lose?

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Although this is a bit of a swerve in the topic I think it fits this thread pretty well. The impunity that is being condemned here is the exact “oops we did it again” b.s. IMHO.

Before I post the link, regarding James Baldwin: that was my dad’s name so you can imagine how impressed I was aged about six when I found a copy of Go Tell It On The Mountain on the bookshelf and assumed that he had written it. Journals about UFOs and trout fishing were about as far as he ever took it, bless him.

My current favourite JB quote (but he wrote so beautifully there are umpteen) is this one:

“Life is tragic simply because the earth turns and the sun inexorably rises and sets, and one day, for each of us, the sun will go down for the last, last time. Perhaps the whole root of our trouble, the human trouble, is that we will sacrifice all the beauty of our lives, will imprison ourselves in totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, steeples, mosques, races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, the only fact we have. It seems to me that one ought to rejoice in the fact of death–ought to decide, indeed, to earn one’s death by confronting with passion the conundrum of life. One is responsible for life: It is the small beacon in that terrifying darkness from which we come and to which we shall return.”

The way he wrote “…the last, last time.” is just so perfect.



It’s all gonna end badly.


Great article definitely fits in - how a fake elephant was made by the media to appear, and then how a real one was prevented from being seen. By analogy, it also struck me that this is a trick that only accomplished magicians manage to carry off.

That is a great quote KE, + thanks for sharing your JB connection!.


‘Battle-hardened’ Meryl Nass is still in her big battle.
Her latest round of hearings to determine whether her ‘admin errors’ (hastily manufactured from the bottom of the barrel, after the accusations of misinformation drained away) qualify her to be struck off was scheduled for yesterday.
No word yet, I expect there will be something soon.

Here is how she apparently prepares for these sombre proceedings.- by trying to organise a revolution.

The Attack-on-Food Symposium
+Solutions to Fight Back

Her vocal er, lack of respect for the proceedings against her are heartening.

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Green slime update.
Meryla Nass case.

As the case unfolds, nothing is unfolding over Meryl Nass who seems wholly unscathed by any allegation. No blows have been landed against her, nor aguments won.
What has been unfolding is that her planned nemesis, expert witness Dr Faustus, has been less than truthful about his credentials, experience and research.
In justifying his extraordinary remuneration for his contribution (500 bucks an hour), he seems to have been lying about his existing income, claiming to be earning more than that in his existing work but Nass says this is hardly credible as his main job in ER would be paying about $150-$200 an hour. Further mis-statements of his regarding his other incomes don’t boost his apparent reliabilty.

One could understand his commanding a higher price if he was giving value for money but his case against Nass regarding the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have just been fraudulent, a box that lies about its own contents.

Why they picked such a lightweight as Dr Faust - who is providing easy meat for his opposite number, Yale epidemiologist Dr Harvey Risch - is an interesting question.

‘Can’t get the staff’ is my running favourite. Who with a semblance of pride wants to be exposed as a fraud? Unless the internet is censored, opponents will be comparing him with body fluids in years to come. Faustus is trashing his own reputation for a few months extra bucks.

None of this means that Nass will escape the evil clutches; the GICS know that any personal embarrassment should they find Nass guilty in the face of all the evidence will be temporary, so long as they have the press on their side (and sadly, the corporate world of 'Science as well) to celebrate that ‘dangerous misinformation’ is at last being dealt with.
But there might be a limit to how much ammo they dare give to opponents, and how badly they want to use Nass as the sacrificial example to deter others.

Nass obviously badly wants to win but she hasn’t exactly been keeping out of the headlines - rather she has disdained to worry about giving the bosses even more reason to want rid of her. The very opposite - a post on this thread shows her involvement in resistance to GIC food takeovers; the day after reading her (scathing, as usual) account of her most recent hearing, people tuning to her substack to see if there was any more on her case found her in the frontline of efforts to halt the wordly power grab using the WHO as the trojan horse.

Big News

If I was a Pfizer or Blackrock CEO or a corrupt Dr Fausti (see what I did there :slightly_smiling_face:) I would want to get Dr Nass away from these revolutionary fronts and back where she can do least damage - treating patients.


I assumed Dr Faust must be a joke name but no. And Fausti…? Yes, VG Evvy :wink: