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I see they're still putting mushrooms on DC juries - keep them in the dark and feed them on BS! Mann wins against Steyn but jury saw no expert evidence from defence: Judith Curry's tour de force:

Hi folks, here’s one we just love (or not as the case may be) the infamous Hockey Stick.

I hadn’t followed the Mann v Steyn defamation case in the Washington DC court but apparently it came to an abrupt end when most of the defence’s evidence from experts was chucked out so that the jury couldn’t see it.

Judith Curry was a witness and had prepared a detailed technical analysis as requested by the defence lawyers but her testimony was severely restricted by the judge and her report was not allowed to be presented to the jury.

Fortunately Judith Curry has a website on which to publish said report , and to my mind it is astounding - a fully annotated paper - there are over 150 reference links alone. The whole of the sorry state of this so-called scientific community of climate change experts is revealed. Included is a lot of background on the Hockey stick which I had never seen before : short point that I have tried to make before expertly expressed:

" Following the public release of the IPCC TAR " (Third Assessment Report published by the IPCC in 2001)", the Hockey Stick was regarded as central to the IPCC’s case for global warming. The Hockey Stick was, for a time, arguably the most important graph in the world. Its message of unprecedented warmth at the end of the twentieth century was a vital part of the campaign to persuade the public that mankind had changed the world’s climate".

full 54 page pdf report here:

read it and weep in the light of the judgement in favour of Mann!


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I don’t know what reason was given - but I think judges are increasingly obstructing evidence when it favours the larger interest group - usually the govt or big biz.

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Hi @Evvy_dense , here I believe the judge just thought it was inconceivable that anyone sane would challenge AGW as exemplified by the great Hockey Stick in the sky! A bit like covid and jabs!


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If they think that they should be honest and not hear the case. It’s a long, rocky and expensive road to get to court, only to be told some reality that meant they could never win. Seen it before, many times. One thing the legal profession never prevents is themselves taking money; that never, somehow, seems ‘inappropriate’.

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