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I see autocratic censorship still reigns @ TLN on covid questioning


the subject - covid , the offender - authority questioner, the autobrat - a whitecoat, the legal process - none, the punishment - permanently censored.
A site that used to be anti MSM and pro free speech now emulates the establishment, such a shame.


I seem to remember someone here positing that Dan might actually be a plant, working for the GIC’s. The more I hear about the sinking lifeboat, the more I think this is likely to be true.


I don’t see the point of that ban, one does not have to engage and the remarks weren’t offensive just contentious, Admin. being intimidating I’d say…my comment, quote; “Isn’t the problem that these issues go hand in hand? Think they don’t and you end up like poor Greta Thunberg whose neoliberal education hasn’t prepared her for the terrible war of all against all…no wonder the Swedes want to join NATO…they’ll be alright in their fall-out shelters…the neoliberal nonsense will end eventually (as Gandhi intimated), and I have suggested Greta learns to delegate and continue her “environmental education” at Britain’s Schumacher College…horses for courses…it’s not as if the green-wellied WiFi using crew in the West Country haven’t contracted the neoliberal disease but politics is the art of the possible…”