Thanks to btl-er Nixon Scraypes at Off-G for this discovery. As I’ve been musing all the time, a veteran professional reveals how the propaganda blizzard has been doing mass hypnosis. Some very striking examples included, from his own shows, and he shows how the same tricks are being pulled continuously by the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard.
BTW, another regular btl-er at OG - SCooper - puts up a lot of droll pictures about this scam. One is of a group of Amish people being interviewed by a press-man. Caption reads: Reporter: "Why is there no covid amongst the Amish? Amish elder: “We don’t have TV.”
Feckin’ fantastic!
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Same as Neuro Linguistic Programming which is strangely Bliar’s acronym for the New Labour Party!
- watch out for the hand-wavers, whilst you’re watching the waving hankie in the right hand your wallet will be nicked by the left hand!
Yes Scooper does post some crackers. Maxwell is consistently interesting, moneycircus, plenty more. I always find BigB worth a read, the regulars from Aus also.
The UkColumn ‘relevant memes’ thread is not to be missed.
This gentleman needs no extra wordage. Legend.
(And pigeon fancier, which is always a good sign)
Nice share, thanks. Seemed to end a little abruptly but lots of food for thought. The fear conditioning/Terror Derangement was covered well.
Not long before covid became a thing in UK the climate of fear was intensified, I think, by the war drums that were sounding when Qasem Soleimani was assassinated early Jan 2020. Things stayed very intense when the Ukrainian plane was shot down over Tehran. Then came the early posters and slogans and washy handy bollox.
There are some interesting but not always terribly persuasive studies of priming. One that I vaguely recall had a sorting task as activity 1 then activity 2 was a game of prisoner’s dilemma. People were demonstrably less likely to favour the sharing of the loot in activity 2 if the sorting task involved sorting monopoly money into denominations rather than sorting cards by colour. (Something like that, anyway.)
The caveat with so many of these studies is that the participants are so often ‘WEIRD’ i.e. from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic societies (all plastic words, of course)
… and frequently psychology undergrads…
Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine, Ara Norenzayan (2010) The weirdest people in the world? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33, 61–135
bhayanana AT proton DOT could probably track down a PDF if paywalled journal articles were needed btw