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Huge rise in excess deaths in 2022 compared to 5 year average

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Thanks for posting Rich. No question this is a big issue. The latest week was a bad one (for the UK) with 22% excess deaths, the previous two were low- but overall Campbell’s picture of high excess deaths from 2022 is correct, at least as far as Western European countries are concerned; US, Aus, Canada too.

OurWorldInData.org has excess deaths data ready to use.


Apart from a few small or short dips below zero, these excess death graphs are stubbornly higher than zero - with the UK (light blue) having hit 20% extra deaths for spells.
John Campbells data us up to Apr 21st, which featured a 22% week - not shown yet in OWID.

The countries shown - you can click them in and out as you wish - are jabby countries.
Most countries with reliable excess deaths data will likely have had a significant vaccination rollout. Elsewhere in OWID it’s possible to get vaccination data.
For example, countries such as those in the graph have ‘fully vaccinated’ in the 75% range. East European figures would be more like 30-40%.

So here are the Excess Death figures for Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria (fully vaccinated rates 26.7%, 47.8%, 46.3%, 30.6 respectively. Still vaxed, but not at the level of the more prolific countries.


Mentioning this covid vaccine angle in case no-one else ever does! John C was careful not to - he did clamour for medical authorities to investigate the high excess deaths. So far there hasn’t been a peep.
Campbell did reveal his strong suspicion - he referred to Bradford Hill (I think) criteria by which possible causal relationships can be examined.

The size of the vaccine rollouts/takeups provide a rough dose-response - more vaccinations in a country, higher deaths in the graphs.
Also a rough - but compelling - time link; the excess deaths are post-covid peaks, and suspiciously follow the vaccine rollouts.

Some more European countries - high vaxed obviously, and high excess deaths since 2022

They seem kind of tied to each other!

I expect some are working on timing on the timing of the vaccine rollouts in each country.
Also, an age breakdown might be very revealing, as might be causes of death.

Excellent analysis @Evvy_dense As you said, John C was careful not to mention the vaccine angle. Personally, I find that both disingenuous and cowardly. It really (IMHO) behoves every commentator who looks at these sort of stats, to at least draw attention to the correlation, even if they are too afraid to call it causation. However, with all the other information that has pored out in the alternative media, like

  • Ed Dowd’s analysis
  • the German life insurance boss fired for pointing out a 40% increase in death claims
  • the US life insurers who have said almost the same thing
  • the experience in African countries where the take up is even lower than the ones you showed
  • the top athletes dropping down dead or collapsing on the field

I have to say Occam’s razor applies. In the absence of any other reasonable (or even highly questionable) explanation, it’s time for the pundits to recognise a spade and call it for what it is and I can’t give any time to those afraid to do so.

Yeah, I’m sure he was trying to stay under the YT censors’ radar but he could have given it a mention in neutral terms (though it might not be easy to appear neutral when you fill in all the blanks, as you did) - it’s not as if his material is unique, it’s pretty public data.

The people behind all this evil are so banal it’s beyond belief.

This leaves the obvious question: why do you obey such creatures?

(creatures who monitor every single word posted on boards like this)

Why does who obey such creatures?

And let’s not forget John O’Looney! Do you have a link to Ed Dowd’s analysis Pat? I think I might have missed it?
EDIT Forgot to add link below to JoL.

Here’s an update from John Campbell just a few hours ago Ev. (BTW I second Pat’s endorsement of your excellent analysis above).

Excess deaths, new UK data

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Hi @Rich . John O’Looney is one of the most credible ‘ordinary’ guys I’ve ever heard.

Ed Dowd (ex Blackrock!!):


FINANCIAL INSIDER EXPOSES COVID FRAUD - The HighWire (Skip the first 6 minutes)

Thanks for those Pat!

I think the JoL Twitter videos I posted above may have been tampered with. Sound & vision is out of sync and the sound cuts out here and there. I saw those vids around the time they were published and I’m pretty sure they were fine then.

Anyway here’s JoL on 6th December 2021 telling us that even that far back he could see that the jab deaths had already begun.

Update From Funeral Director, John O’Looney

December 6, 2021

Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion - Day 3

15 Feb 2022

John O’Looney says in his testimony that 06/01/2021 was the date they would start vaccinating in his area. He says the death rate went through the roof the minute they started putting needles in people’s arms and the death rate went up to 300% more than the normal death rate. More at link below. John’s testimony starts at 3:20:29 and ends at 3:44:16 (24 minutes).

Thanks for those links about the excess deaths. They (and you) are doing good work bringing it to the public’s attention.

Astonishing really, how there’s not a peep from the MSM who, when it came to covid, were desperate to “inform” the public how dangerous it all was and how we must do everything to save lives. Even more astonishing from outfits like TLN, who like to pride themselves as seeing through media hype and lies. No interest in 20% increases in excess deaths?

The precious few articles discussing this that I have seen suggest it is due to the missed doctor/hospital appointments of people during the covid period. Even if partially true (no way can that account for all the increases across the age spectrum), that already indicates the covid restrictions were seriously detrimental – as was clear to anyone not blinded by the media hype.

And yes, the covid jabs (“vaccines”) are an obvious starting point to research these findings. Remarkable the lower levels of excess death in Eastern Europe. From my experience, also the place where people were most skeptical.

It stands to reason that there is also a big increase in people being ill. Deaths would reflect the worst cases. I wonder if there are statistics for these.