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How things will start to heal again, after The Crises have played out

I have an idea that I have linked this story before. But at this time when the modern popular myth of a startrekkytechietechie WEFoid future is getting its final kill shots from Earthside realities, it doesn’t hurt to revisit the different and much older - actually reality-compliant - myth of a self-healing Earth, with a - reduced and chastened, and now actually useful to Gaia again - human component.

In this time of alarm and despair, that idea needs encouragement to get resurrected, back to the universal status it used to enjoy - before humans set off down the fossil-hydrocarbon-fuelled faustian blind alley of ‘men-like-gods’, and ‘growth’n’progressforever’.

Now that the hydrocarbon energy is becoming pinched (not by mere transient wars and politics, but by irreversible peaking) and there’s literally zero practical replacement, it’s definitely time to refurbish that old, true myth of the great Earth goddess, healing and restoring.

BTW, if the idea of a new global cooling is really correct, as begins to seem more and more likely, Al Baydha will probably get a bonus blessing from it, in the form of a bit more rainfall; and duvet jackets and trousers will enjoy an increase in popularity further north :slight_smile: :