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How the food industry and big pharma make us unhealthy

Thought this might be if interest to a few folks here.

TC is really repositioning himself… Don’t know what to think about that!

Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in. This is an amazing story. (0:54) Who Are Casey and Calley Means? (10:16) Seed Oils and the Lies of the Food Pyramid (22:20) Vaccines for Newborns (34:41) Why Is the Medical Industry Ignoring This? (44:38) The Spiritual Crisis (52:23) Chemicals Linked to Cancer and Early Puberty (1:00:13) Ozempic (1:15:35) The Birth Control Pill (1:30:12) The Rise of Dementia (1:36:27) Why Obamacare Is Harmful and How to Fix the Medical Industry (1:50:55) Infertility (2:05:21) Michelle Obama’s Weaponization of Sugar in Schools (2:10:24) What Should We Be Eating?


Let me stress that I haven’t watched the video at this point. I think that if Tucker Carlson is repositioning then it reflects the growing ideology on the ‘right’ that yokes together family values and more traditional gender roles in which Chad works to provide for the family while his wife stays at home and cooks from scratch. And there’s nothing wrong with that, in principle, if it’s an informed choice.

A Marxist perspective would argue that when there is a surplus of labour the market economy will tend to push women out of the workforce and into stay-at-home roles. This was the kind of thing Annie Oakley and Stuart Hall, and a variety of others, were arguing from the ‘left’. The returning troops from WWII were the classic example.

The problem is that traditional masculine roles in the workplace are not necessarily in abundant supply. Jobs in industry are frequently carried out by people on another continent, the mines and the aluminium smelter disappeared some time ago. Driving and logistics are still male domains, as are the trades, mechanical and engineering. Do any of these pay a family wage in the old sense?

Tucker and others, not least J D Vance, are seeing the issues clearly enough, but I’m not sure that remoralisation of society is anymore likely to address the structural problems than it was in the days when Roger Scruton was banging on about it, to Dame Thatcher’s goggle-eyed admiration.

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I’ve watched a number of Tucker interviews. Seems to me he really has woken up and it was this that led to him leaving the lamestream. I think he’s like Joe Rogan in that he let’s chooses his interviewees who are not part of the WEF/WHO/institutional organisations and let’s them talk, uninterrupted, and asks pointed questions. I’m guessing that there are many in the mainstream media who are also awake, but just close their eyes and take the money.

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I’ve finally got through the entire 2 hours plus of that interview. Definitely worth the time. Thanks for posting.


I wouldn’t trust this man as far as he could throw me. My gut instinct told me he was dodgy and he has proven it since on more than one occasion.

As for Tucker. Well he’s certainly been saying things that are outside of the window, it was that got him sacked.

Here the conundrum. We know that those who are not part of the picture silenced and ostracised. Take Corbyn. Tate is another. Can’t help but wonder if his sharing of minority business habits (he took them to heart) of shorting people you owe etc rather than his poor opinion of females. We know that at best, we aren’t fed all the truth.

Who knows? But it’s better than nothing.

Great conversation starter @admin (as I guess you knew :slightly_smiling_face:)
I’ve not got to the end yet as there have been a spate of videos and I sometimes take notes and go hunting for references.

I’ve just watched a couple of the items so far; I’m sure I’ll have comments on some of the items; I’d just like to give my thoughts on the intriguing question you raise of how to perceive people like Tucker Carlson…

I reckon Carlson’s conversion is sincere enough for where he is (as opposed to where he has been), he was already railing against foreign policy and must have foreseen his inevitable ejection. I think the ‘right refugees’ in the public sphere dropped out of the system because it was hard for them to be individual in the new regimen of total conformity. The clear deceit in what they were speaking out against has given them easy lies to ridicule, and eased their reinvention as speakers of truth. Their great existing reach has ironically induced many more to think for themselves. I think this has been easy to see in comments under covid stories; very many people now don’t trust the system or its mainstream media one bit, and don’t need to express extreme or fringe political views to challenge official narratives.

The pair being interviewed might be good examples. Doctor Casey Mearns dropped out of her own volition remarkably quickly, and seems to have caused her errant Pharma-lobbyist brother Calley to have a change of heart. Oddly, I didn’t like the way he spoke - despite largely agreeing with what he was saying (maybe I just couldn’t shake his Pharmalike aura).
There might be some politics going on there too - there are some rightish references, reflecting the probable audience and perhaps with one eye on the November elections.

If like me you (meaning ‘one’ in the Royal sense) equated ‘left’ with ‘good’ and ‘right’ with ‘bad’ (dropping the Royal sense :upside_down_face:), you might also, like me, be having your eyes opened. To me these values themselves are still ‘true’ or at least useful, but the tectonic shifts we are seeing suggest you can’t judge people by their political attire alone as the labels themselves are coming unstuck - they don’t mean what they used to.

Accusations of supporting the politics of the F-word would cause traditional lefties to froth in paroxysms of rage yet there isn’t a better word to describe the process of merging corporate power, state, and the interests of the very rich that we have seen merging in covid (and before, in medicine); and that TPTB are so very seen to ramp up and complete ASAP.
No wonder people like Carlson and even Jordan Peterson now come across for many as role models of resistance, with everything forgiven.

To the question whether people like Carlson and Rogan and their followers have become ‘good’, the companion question is whether left figures who support the new tyrannies have become ‘bad’. People like Chomsky, President Lula. Assuming that they are ‘good’ they probably haven’t seen fit to educate themselves in some medical and associated political realities. If you’re from the left-good side, it’s being on the right/wrong side of those realities that has caused the gap between the old right and left to narrow, or disappear. If there is really to be a new world order then the old gap will be irrelevant to the political dynamic.

To the question of what happens after the dawn of this order, as in who is best equipped to survive the impacts, well I think that would probably reflect old politics of wealth vs poverty. If the turkeys themselves usher in Christmas, we know what will happen.
An extreme view perhaps - but you have to consider the people who are driving it, in which case it might also be seen as jolly logical, even consequential.

Thanks for the post!


Thanks for all the thoughts on this, everyone. I’m up to my ears in a couple family things now, but I’ll try and come back to reply to some of the comments here.


I’ve also not watched the whole video yet, despite the fact that I watch everything at 1.5x speed these days, there just never seems to be enough time!


Yes, me too, in three big chunks. The Good Energy book looks like a must-read. I’m part-way through Chris van Tulleken’s book on broadly the same subject, hyper-processeed food (prolefeed that is).

I believe the same “let them eat cake” attitude extends to the highly lucrative pet foods market as well. Any old crap, with a picture of a happy moggie on the box, is stuck on the shelves and labelled cat food. Get your furry friends on the symptoms-pills treadmill too, why not?

A friend posted a news story on social media about how the PDSA have partnered with Bob Martins and are now endorsing their shitty toxic chemical products. They were always the working class pet charity, the way I see it, never turning away a sick pet - possibly the only company some people have - for want of funds. As I understand it their vets work pro bono for the charity, but it seems that promoting Bob Martins products as part of that role is now normalised. It’s all so reminescent of the Nestle formula milk scams that have been so profitable in Asia and Africa.

Even though no source was cited, I thought the most potently telling stat put forward by the Means was that American kids spend less time, on average, out in the fresh air than prisoners do.

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@admin You said “… don’t know what to think …” of Tucker Carlson.

I came across this which might explain a lot (and ignore Stew Peters if you wish). Watch from 31 minutes

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