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How 'Israel' Has Lost The North


It’s welcome news but, while I enjoyed Samarajiva’s crack about “Joe Biden’s nutsack”, he does tend towards wishful thinking. Satanyahu’s bland statement that a few kids having their autumn return-to-school disrupted is no biggie suggests that there’s a counter-op in the pipeline. He’s VERY confident, despite all the setbacks.

Israel will reach for the nukes if they can’t win any other way. If this renders their homeland uninhabitable the west of Ukraine might prove an attractive alternative. I’m not even joking. If the Neocons were looking for a vicious partner to bring Europe to it’s knees, while spearheading an insurgency against RF, who better to choose? They would certainly safeguard BlackRock investments.

Far fetched? Yes, but maybe less and less so as the days race by.


I’ve watched a few of the Hezbollah videos showing Israehell on fire and the ports being attacked. They seem to me to be ‘wishful thinking’ as well. The last one I saw was of a settlement being destroyed. Looked more like a forest fire to me with not a building (or even remnants) in sight.

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Yes. Good for morale north of the current border, and sure to rile the Ben Gvirs of this world, but the IOF troll videos of shooting flaming arrows and using a trebuchet have some substance.

(I used to subscribe to indi.ca but soon grew tired of the emphasis on 6th form insults, funny though some of them are. The name of the site included in this.)