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...hostility, defamation, and lies

This article was flagged in UK Column News of 10th November. It’s a meticulously written chronology of how a critic of some aspects of vaccine production has been managed out of his role at Keele University. The author very clearly has a good working knowledge of UK Higher Education, and Keele in particular.

It’s a remarkable measured piece that gradually hints at why and how this hounding-out process unfolded. An utter disgrace.


Delving deeper, this section of Prof Exley’s very detailed statement at

… is very, ahem, salient:

accepting donations solicited by an individual supporting anti-vaccine misinformation risks a £9m research income per annum from NIHR being lost. […] Note CEO of NIHR is Chris Whitty.

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It’s all about the health!

Great find @Kieran_Telo . That kind of info just strengthens the case against the three horsemen, Whitty, Valance and Hancock. I was half way through that very long article before I came to the nub of the matter.

" Some other saliant facts about Keele University and its lucrative ties to those heavily invested in creating and promoting vaccines, are that the university is a recipient of funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This organisation is known to be an aggressive promoter of vaccination around the world and its eponymous founders have consistently dismissed and smeared vaccine safety concerns as “anti-vax conspiracy theories”. As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. detailed in his letter to Keele University, quoted earlier in this article, organisations who profit from vaccination routinely defame and mischaracterise the concerns of vaccine safety advocates in an attempt to discredit, marginalise and silence them.

It is also worth noting that Keele University, via its science park, is home to Cobra Biologics, the manufacturers of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination. To quote from Keele’s website,"


Yes, she is very subtle about it, which makes these revelations more telling, I think. There’s a great deal more good stuff on the Miri AF site, a definite bookmark hereabouts.

The Robert F. Kennedy donation was treated as though it was some kind of dirty trick to entrap them.

Note the leading role of The Times and Guardian in the smear campaign.

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Hi @Kieran_Telo , you’re right about the Miri site - I like this one on Dumb Waiters:

For me the tell is when you see no signs of robots or AI robots being widely owned by the public - as promised of course in the 1960’s Tomorrow’s World episodes on telly.


Miri appears to believe that highly intelligent and super-capable robots will replace human plebs in the service of the gics; also that our current over-population doesn’t exist. Just a couple of ideas I picked up in a brief glance. Disastrously wrong on both counts, I fear.

I take it that s/he (?) is well hooked into the Vulcan super-techie-techie mythic-future for humankind, to make all these delusions seem believable.

The actual future that’s upcoming for humankind, discernible in outline, at least, to anyone who wants to look deeply and stone-facedly at all the indicators, is clear enough in its general characteristics. We can see already what’s really hoving up on the horizon: that’s to say, the Long Descent away from industrialism, and - consequent on that - the spontaneous, natural dissolution of our current population-overshoot predicament.

Give it a couple of centuries to play out fairly completely, during which time we’ll doubtless go on nurturing the Vulcan-future delusion, until the popular mood finally tires of such fantasies, as they shrink steadily away, ever more unmistakaby, into the disappearing past.

These, and the many other bleak realities built in to our near future guarantee, I’d conjecture, that all the gic dreams of dispensing with their human untermenschen cattle, for a world of Schwabian techie-techie paradise serviced entirely by wholly obedient hyper-techie machines, is just a fatuous fantasy. Never going to happen. Sure, bits of it are already getting slipped unadmittedly into place, and that effort will doubtless continue nastily for a while. But it’s doomed. Never to be completed, and inherently very transient. And that’s to say nothing about what unscheduled uprisings of outraged plebs might do to the gics plans - and to the gics - in the mean time.

Since we’re already at, or near, or in some cases actually past, all-time peak production of all the non-substitutable, shrinking physical commodities on which such an optimistic (or should that be horrifying?) dream depends crucially, I’d say that peak-techie-techie is either already here, or is in the very near future.

Can’t put a lot of faith in any commentator who still believes in the Vulcan-future-for-humankind dream, whether the fascistic dystopian version, or the even less believable utopian New-Garden-of-Eden one.

The real likely future is much less sexy: Those of our descendants who survive these already-begun Interesting Times will carry on pretty much as we always have: adapting ourselves to whatever’s actually feasible for day to day living at the time, and just carrying on with the slow process of evolution as best we can, just as we have hitherto. We have a good way to go yet, before our species-destiny is fully played out.

Oh I’m such a cheery chappie, aren’t I! Life and soul of Pollyanna’s Party! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think that’s the exact opposite of what Miri, she, is saying. Litotes.

Vulcan logic? Possibly. She’s a law graduate from what I can make out. And Trekkie.

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OK, cue for another, longer look. I may have to - er - refine the judgement. :flushed: