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HIV AIDS Covid 19 Vaccines

Similar ground is covered in the RFK Jr book, highlighting Anthony Fauci’s decisive role even back then. It has been a Long Game.

He gives a good precis of the way AIDS came to enfold within it a wide range of other illnesses which de facto became AIDS symptoms (Kaposi’s Sarcoma is the example I always remember).

As for the crisis in virology which @Rhis referred to it is a very small sample of one but A Certain Campus has the ailing Biosciences dept only a stone’s throw away from the spanking new Medical School. One wonders how long it will be until the former becomes an annex to the latter? Successful departments have this funny way of running out of office space and being forced to colonise other buildings, you see.


I couldn’t find what you mention, could you possibly repost the links? thanks

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Here’s some of the current marketing

Wonder what Mr. Hewitt was paid for this ad? He and Meghan having been cast adrift by Henry’s foster family, to earn their own living. Some PR schmucks somewhere presumably thought that he has enough clout with the public as an ersatz Windsor to be worth running this ad. Christ, the fakeness of it all!

And yes of course, Henry Hewitt may really believe what he’s saying, but as Chomsky famously said to the oaf Marr, if he didn’t believe what he does, he wouldn’t be where is - huckstering for the pharma gangsters.

That Chomsky quote is indeed famous, but frankly it could be applied to Chomsky also:

If Chomsky didn’t believe in the official theories about the Kennedy Assassination or 911 he wouldn’t have become the most ‘respected’ dissident in the USA, with an occasional appearance in state/corporate news sources. Compare for example with Michael Parenti.

Also, more importantly, note that Chomsky does NOT say ‘or maybe you’re just working for the CIA’, as Operation Mockingbird revelations showed was very possible for any major figure in the media.

Ask yourselves what is more demeaning, to be accused of being a dupe or be accused of being a paid marketing employee?

What the incident shows to me is Chomsky’s attempt at a psychological game of ‘Let me tell you why you’re REALLY xyz’. That is ‘You don’t realize why you are sitting there, but I’m very smart and I can tell you why you’re sitting there’.

I think this is why the Chomsky clip with Marr is so famous, it allows people to think of themselves as having superior knowledge of another person’s motivations. It’s a form of psychoanalyzing.

By not including the Mockingbird Possibility, Chomsky diverts attention from the Mockingbird operation. This was perhaps the primary reason for writing Manufacturing Consent: to divert attention from the revelations of the Church committee about the CIA and Mockingbird. It was quite successful. It gave left media critics a way of criticizing the media without being accused of being ‘conspiracy theorists’, and so in effect it shielded the CIA AND it shielded the media, because, if you think about it, the Manufactured Consent approach cannot be proven except circumstantially. The journalists can always laugh it off, or be insulted that someone considers themselves a non self aware dupe.

I’d say both the journalistic establishments and the deep state/CIA love the Manufacturing Consent approach, it has no teeth, threatens nobody, but is a good pacifier for crusading leftists who want to feel superior and smarter than the journalists. Not talking about you Rhis of course! I’m thinking about the passive agression of the Media Lens crowd.

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Admin. Objects on the Lifeboat & https://forum.5filters.info/t/biohazard-the-silent-threat-from-biomedical-research-and-the-creation-of-aids-a-report-by-the-national-anti-vivisection-society-hiv/1233/5

Hi @Everyman I can’t speak for Rhis, however those in the “virus don’t cause disease” camp, generally do not deny the existance of “viruses”. However, what they do posit, is that “viruses” (if they exist) are inert (they cannot replicate or produce proteins) and may well be the detritis resulting from the body repairing itself. I’ve probably put that very badly, but hey ho.!

In case you are interested the NAVS publication mentioned deals extensively with the species barrier crossing of lentiviruses, quote; “Lentivirus is a genus of retroviruses that cause chronic and deadly diseases characterized by long incubation periods, in humans and other mammalian species. The genus includes the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.” Retroviruses (esp.);“A retrovirus is a virus that uses RNA as its genetic material. When a retrovirus infects a cell, it makes a DNA copy of its genome that is inserted into the DNA of the host cell. There are a variety of different retroviruses that cause human diseases such as some forms of cancer and AIDS” Which is far, far more easily achieved in the laboratory than in nature, also the movement of monkeys from labs known to be studying same from the Americas to Africa in the late 70s early 80s. If you are interested in the truth I suggest you purchase a copy! Nb. I am social scientist not a virologist!

See this debate on the Lifeboat: https://members5.boardhost.com/xxxxx/thread/1644428688.html

I agree with much of that but you are in danger of letting the baby out with the bath-water, AIDS has killed millions R (and it was meant to).

Like viruses?

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Hey E! Could you categorise this for us please?

As with my reply to Everyman above, my views are my own. However, the view of the authors of Virus Mania (who carefully document their evidence), is that AIDS was not a bio weapon as some suggested at the time. It is the consequence of either poor nourishment and/or prolonged use of certain types of drugs that, like malnutrition, suppres the immune system.

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Obviously, the whole AIDS scam has come back under the spotlight again, as a result of the revived questioning of ‘virus’ theory per se; which questioning has been kicked up again - unexpectedly - by people realising that the covid thing is a massive criminal scam.

Broad statements that ‘this virus causes that illness’ no longer stand unquestioned, and shouldn’t be taken at face value. The very idea that ‘AIDS’ is a single disease is now under question. And clearly, a solid case can now be made that ‘covid’ is actually just a slightly-worse-than-average flu, which kills very few, as flus do normally, and those who get ill with it are usually seen to have less-than-healthy personal terrains. The criminal poison-stabs are now killing and maiming more than the flu itself, it seems, and likely to continue doing so even after their use has been stopped completely.

What’s really going on in the bioweapons labs is simply not clear. It seems that many of the shysters/useful-idiots working in them believe that they’re working with ‘viruses’, but we don’t know whether they’re right or not, since the whole global bio-labs racket is completely removed from either democratic or scientific oversight and accountability - just the way that gics like things to be.

Beware what you choose to believe. The whole ‘virus’ question is wide open. Again.

Sorry, I don’t understand your question.

Allegedly G :rofl:

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It doesn’t appear that you have placed this thread in a category (or am I missing something?).

Neither does the NAVS document, however, the NAVS document is far more suggestive of the work of those aping their nepotist South America dwelling (NAZI refugee), eugenicist forbears. There was no eugenics research that found its way under the Paperclip? Hmmm which research would you most rather not have the public knowing you have sequestered? The NAVS document specifically mentions S.American labs and that their lab animals were then transported to Africa for further research (the NAVS very much make the point that if lab animals survive experiments they go on to be used again and again until they are no longer of any “value”). My view is that as a missing piece to the “global conspiracy theory” the “bioweapon” theory fits far, far too well to ignore.

The Boys from Brazil

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The Mods will love this one: I’d rather drink the piss of a 50-year-old transvestite prostitute against having this poison shite injected into my arm.

It’s a hill I will die on.

Clutch your pearls, you poor little dears.


Back to @Everyman 's thread after that short break…there have certainly been some developments.
Dr Cremola rounds it up (while Luc Montagnier spins agitatedly).

Why Are COVID Patients Treated With an HIV Pill?

Story at-a-glance

  • July 25, 2022, Chinese officials granted conditional approval to Azvudine, an HIV drug, to be used as a COVID treatment
  • Use of the HIV drug has reignited interest in early evidence suggesting SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon augmented with parts of the HIV virus
  • In late January 2020, Indian researchers published a paper claiming segments of the viral RNA appeared more closely related to HIV than other coronaviruses. The researchers even said SARS-CoV-2 responded to HIV medications
  • The Indian paper was quickly retracted, but not before catching the attention of the late Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV. Montagnier insisted the Indian researchers were correct in their assessment, and had been forced to retract the paper “after enormous pressure”
  • Several scenarios are now converging to create the suspicion that getting an HIV vaccine to market may be a goal behind COVID. The COVID jab is causing AIDS-like immunodepression, which helps create the perception that we have an urgent need for an HIV vaccine

July 25, 2022, Chinese officials granted conditional approval to an HIV drug to be used as a COVID treatment. As reported by Reuters:1

“The Azvudine tablet, which China approved in July last year to treat certain HIV-1 virus infections, has been given a conditional green light to treat adult patients with ‘normal type’ COVID, the National Medical Products Administration said in a statement.

‘Normal type’ COVID is a term China uses to refer to coronavirus infections where there are signs of pneumonia, but the patients haven’t reached a severe stage … In a late-stage clinical trial, 40.4% of patients taking Azvudine showed improvement in symptoms seven days after first taking the drug, compared with 10.9% in the control group …”

The use of the HIV drug has reignited interest in early evidence suggesting SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon augmented with parts of the HIV virus.

HIV Insertions Highlighted in Early 2020

January 31, 2020, ZeroHedge published an article2 featuring the findings3 of Indian researchers, who claimed certain segments of the viral RNA appeared more closely related to HIV than other coronaviruses. The researchers even said SARS-CoV-2 responded to HIV medications.

According to this paper, titled “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,” the presence of HIV insertions was unlikely to have occurred naturally — the implication being that SARS-CoV-2 might be an escaped bioweapon:4

“We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag.

Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.”

Within days, ZeroHedge’s article had caught the attention of Jeremy Farrar — director of the Wellcome Trust — who emailed it to Dr. Anthony Fauci.5

Image link: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/public/2022/August/dr-anthony-fauci-email.jpg

The Indian paper was quickly retracted, but not before catching the attention of the late Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned French virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV.

His belief that SARS-CoV-2 did contain sequences of the HIV virus6 was in part why AP News named him as one of the top “superspreaders of disinformation” about SARS-CoV-2’s origin in 2021.7 Montagnier insisted the Indian researchers were correct in their assessment, and had been forced to retract the paper “after enormous pressure.”8,9

AIDS Awareness Back ‘In Vogue’

Then, in February 2022, AIDS was suddenly all the rage. Media seemingly abandoned COVID overnight, taking aim at AIDS instead, and when all the media start raising an issue at the same time, it’s usually a coordinated campaign directed by a PR company on the behalf of a client.

There’s a reason for it, and the reason is to sow a desired narrative in the minds of people. They plant ideas so that when something happens, people are already prepped with certain prejudices or assumptions. So, what then might be the reason for everyone suddenly talking about AIDS?

In December 2021, President Biden announced a White House plan to “end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.”10 The same exact vow had been announced by the British Health Security Agency a week earlier.11 Meanwhile, Prince Harry was out there urging everyone to get an HIV test, and Dutch researchers announced the discovery of a concerning HIV strain.12

According to researchers, this mutated HIV virus, dubbed the VB variant, is more infectious and causes more severe illness, twice as fast. As of early February 2022, there were 109 known cases of the VB variant in The Netherlands. Curiously, scientists also admitted the variant had been circulating for decades. So, how was it “news”?

All of this was happening at the same time that COVID was starting to fade out. At the time, Off-Guardian warned,13 “just because they’re giving slack on COVID does not mean the agenda behind COVID is gone. Far from it. In fact, even as they seek to dump this pandemic in a shallow grave, they are already prepping the public for the next health scare — AIDS.”


Well, the AIDS scare didn’t last long either. Within a couple of months, COVID variants were again grabbing headlines, and in May 2022, the focus shifted to monkeypox. Here, multiple scenarios, facts, theories, hazards and risks suddenly converge to create some rather disturbing possibilities. To summarize:

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The COVID jab may be causing AIDS-like illness by decimating immune function 14 This is not to imply the shot is causing HIV/AIDS.15,16 Rather, it refers to the finding that people who get the COVID jab are — at six months’ post-jab — at greater risk of symptomatic COVID than their unvaccinated peers.17 They’re also at increased risk for other infections and chronic diseases, for the same reason.

America’s Frontline Doctors have suggested myocarditis and other chronic health problems associated with the jabs could be the result of vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or “VAIDS,”18 which is similar to AIDS in that it involves immune deficiency. The main difference is the initial trigger.
Researchers have warned that Janssen’s and AstraZeneca’s COVID jabs may increase your risk of being infected with HIV 19 In part because these COVID shots use the same adenovirus vector (Ad5) as a failed trial in which they were trying to create an HIV vaccine.

The use of Ad5 as a vector to transport the genetic material of HIV actually increased the risk of HIV infection rather than lowered it, and the researchers worried that Ad5 might increase the risk of HIV infection in those who get adenovirus vector COVID shots as well.
Scientists have warned that mass vaccination during active outbreaks drive mutations — And, since the rollout of the COVID jabs in December 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has indeed mutated to evade mRNA injection-acquired antibodies, and the last two iterations also evade natural immunity.
Human trial for mRNA HIV vaccine is underway 20 The Moderna HIV vaccine will target a certain subset of B-cells known to loosely bind to HIV. The idea is that by prodding these B-cells with mRNA instructions, delivered through a series of shots, they might develop the capacity to produce neutralizing antibodies against HIV.

The question is, if the COVID shot can cause immune depletion after repeated doses, what kind of dysfunction might a series of HIV shots trigger? What’s more, HIV, like SARS-CoV-2, is a rapidly mutating virus,21 so an HIV vaccine is likely to drive mutations and resistance, just as we’ve seen with the COVID shot.
Gay and bisexual men are getting a smallpox vaccine that may worsen HIV infection — July 23, 2022, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern,”22 and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging those who may be at high risk for monkeypox to get vaccinated.23

The vaccine used is a smallpox vaccine that may or may not work against monkeypox,24 as *the only study25 was done in 1988, using a smallpox vaccine that is no longer in use, against a monkeypox virus that has since mutated multiple times.

New York City started administering the smallpox vaccine in late June 2022, and by July 22, some 18,000 New Yorkers had received their first dose.26

It’s unclear which of the two smallpox vaccines is being given, but it seems reasonable to assume they’re using the latest one, Jynneos, which can be given to people for whom the older version (ACAM2000) is contraindicated. Jynneos is also licensed specifically to prevent monkeypox,27 whereas ACAM2000 is not.

The key point here is that HIV-positive subjects who participated in Jynneos clinical trials saw a rise in HIV virus counts.28 Today, gay men are the primary recipients of this vaccine, and they’re also a group that tends to be more prone to have HIV-AIDS. They also, as a group, have a very high COVID jab rate.

Considering both the COVID jab and Jynneos may increase the risk of HIV infection, or worsen existing infection, and that these men are already at increased risk for HIV and AIDS, the overall, compounded risk these men face seems to be remarkably elevated, yet no one is warning them of this.

On top of all that, we now have people who have received both the COVID jab — which spawns mutations and suppresses immune function — and the smallpox vaccine. What mutations may the smallpox vaccine trigger in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, if any?
Live smallpox vaccine can spread vaccinia virus infection — If ACAM2000 is used, the risk for populations in general starts to skyrocket, as this older smallpox vaccine contains live, replication-capable vaccinia virus. When you get it, you’re infectious for about a month, and must take great care not to spread the infection. If people get ACAM2000 and fail to take such precautions, we could be looking at smallpox outbreaks.

To be clear, it’s highly unlikely that ACAM2000 is being used, but I include it here as a “what if?” scenario, seeing how the U.S. has a very large stockpile of it (about 100 million doses), while Jynneos is still in short supply.
mRNA monkeypox-specific injection is in preclinical study — In March 2022, Moderna announced it is investigating mRNA-based monkeypox vaccines at a preclinical level.29 If the COVID jab compromises your immune function and drives mutations, will a monkeypox mRNA jab work any differently? If an mRNA monkeypox jab is given to people who already got the COVID jab, might they combine to create a Frankenstein-type COVID-pox pathogen?

BOX end

The list above raises several questions. Could these circumstances trigger a new epidemic of AIDS or AIDS-like illness? Could the focus on HIV testing amid the development of an HIV mRNA “vaccine” be an effort to hide the fact that the COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune function (and possibly promoting HIV infection), while simultaneously manufacturing the perception that we have an urgent need for an HIV vaccine?

The Fauci Connection

Coincidentally, Fauci was a key figure during the 1980s AIDS epidemic, which led to hundreds of thousands of gay men dying from the treatment (AZT) that Fauci insisted be used. He’s also been a key figure in the COVID pandemic, in which people have again been killed in large numbers by the very drugs Fauci has a vested interest in.

Fauci is also a connecting link between the COVID shots and the HIV jab. Not only has he been pushing for an HIV vaccine for the better part of his career at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — some 36 years — but he’s also been an eager proponent for the transition from conventional vaccines to this new mRNA platform.30

Is it possible that an HIV vaccine is the end game they’re after, and they’re ‘stimulating’ the emergence of AIDS-like illness with the COVID jabs to justify mass HIV vaccination?

Despite decades of effort, no HIV vaccine has reached the market. Now that the COVID jabs forced mRNA tech on the masses, Fauci’s goal to launch an HIV vaccine is in reach. But AIDS is not the crisis it once was. An estimated 1.2 million Americans have HIV infection, but HIV infection doesn’t necessarily progress to AIDS unless you have a coinfection.

Is it possible that an HIV vaccine is the end game they’re after, and they’re “stimulating” the emergence of AIDS-like illness with the COVID jabs to justify mass HIV vaccination? I don’t know, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility.

Then again, the immunosuppression of the COVID shot might just be an unforeseen side effect that fortuitously reopened the door for HIV vaccines, using the mRNA platform. Either way, the drug industry has been in the business of creating remedies for the side effects their other drugs caused, and this seems like more of the same. The COVID shots create AIDS-like illness and voila, here comes an HIV jab. Aren’t we the lucky ones?!

HIV Vaccine With Coronavirus Vector

To draw the noose around COVID and HIV even tighter, researchers have — since 2006 at the latest — been looking at creating an HIV vaccine using a coronavirus vector.

“Toward a Coronavirus-Based HIV Multigene Vaccine,”31 published in the Journal of Immunology Research in 2006, describes using a coronavirus (common cold virus) as a backbone to hold two HIV envelope glycoproteins, gp41 and gp120, to create a prototype HlV-1 vaccine.

If gp120 rings a bell, it’s because I mentioned it at the beginning of this article. The Indian researchers that discovered HIV insertions in SARS-CoV-2 found “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 …”

So, to recap, coronavirus has been used in HIV vaccine research, and somehow parts of HIV envelope ended up in a coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2. And, while Fauci has denied any link between SARS-CoV-2 and HIV research, there’s clear evidence that not only did he know about the existence of coronavirus-HIV chimeras, his agency invented some of the methods used to make them.32

Track and Trace Now Includes HIV

Tracking and tracing of HIV/AIDS is also being revamped. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveils the spread of HIV by monitoring routinely collected blood samples. This surveillance can then be used to perform contact tracing. As reported by Medscape:33

“Robert Suttle has seen firsthand the legal risks of having HIV. In 2008, Suttle said, a former partner accused him of not disclosing he was HIV-positive. He was charged under Louisiana law with ‘intentional exposure to AIDS virus’ …

Suttle pleaded guilty, received a sentence of six months in state prison, and was required to register as a sex offender. ‘You can be criminalized, certainly, for existing as a person living with HIV,’ he said.

Suttle … said his experience has him worried about a new tool being promoted by federal officials to monitor the spread of HIV … Suttle said such data could be used in cases like his. ‘With this surveillance, you could be connected to many different people or considered to be the source that transmitted to all these other people,’ he said …

[M]olecular surveillance has met considerable opposition since it was rolled out nationally. Service providers, health equity advocates, and people living with HIV worry the risks of the approach outweigh the benefits, and their concerns have gotten louder as awareness of the tool grows. Some have called for the practice to stop until federal health officials address concerns about patient consent, data security, and the potential for HIV criminalization.”

The idea and possibility of HIV criminalization also fits well with what the global biosecurity state has in mind, which is to control people by any and every means possible.

HIV-infected people could even be ordered to abstain from sex, for biosecurity reasons, which would contribute to population reduction — especially if HIV infection were really widespread — and that appears to be a key goal of the technocratic, antihuman cabal.

I hope I’m wrong about the theory that HIV infection and AIDS is being encouraged to justify mass HIV vaccination. But I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility, so keep the converging factors in mind as we move forward, and let’s see what happens.

  • Sources and References
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