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HCQ in India and herd immunity

An interesting article from “Covexit” on the state of play in India, including the extensive successful use of HCQ - with some 238 million tablets dispensed. As stated several months back by the Indian health service, Corona is declining in most states, evidently because of increasing herd immunity with around 60% of the population having antibodies:
The Mystery Behind India’s Success in Flattening the Curve.
This also tells me something I didn’t know, that India is producing a killed virus vaccine, which is far safer than other types on the market, including the Russian one. Modi’s plan to vaccinate the whole population is psychopathic

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To bolster that agenda:

Reuters: Police to enforce lockdown in central Indian city as infections surge.

More ‘cases’. Would that be with actual symptoms, such as fever, cough, breathing difficulty, physical distress, etc.? Or is it just a surge in PCR swindling? How do they ‘know’?

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