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Great interview with Ron Unz, about the possible genesis of the covid scam

Ron is an interesting analyst. (Did you know his initial education was as a theoretical physicist?) He looks - exhaustively - into rabbit holes and - waddyaeffinknow! - he actually evolves his ideas to tally with what he’s learned (amazingly enough, in our dogmatism-ridden times!). Seems as if his original commitment to science - and to the peerless, real scientific method - have stood him in good stead.

In this podcast, he’s still exhibiting propaganda-fed illusions that so many of us still carry, but, on past performance, he’s quite likely to shed those as well, as he informs himself with further reliable data.

Some examples of still-persisting, probably false, beliefs that Ron exhibits in this podcast: That there really is a doctored ‘SARScov2’ pandemic-causing virus on the loose; that it’s killed millions worldwide, and that that toll includes nearly a million USAmericans. (Denis Rancourt’s papers on that subject may eventual soak through to Ron, and straighten him out there); the more informed conclusions probably being: there was NO pandemic, in the sense of a suddenly-increased massive extra death toll; the IFR of the covid flu is less than half of one percent, i.e. still lethal, but nothing much out of the ordinary compared to other flus; nearly a million avoidable deaths did indeed happen to USAmericans during the time of the covid propaganda hysteria, but - as Denis demonstrates persuasively - these were not caused by any respiratory disease, but by the insane, and frankly criminal, responses to the deliberately whipped up covid terror.

Ron also still buys the orthodox doctrine regarding ‘viruses’, and hasn’t yet looked sufficiently deeply into the cogent arguments of the ‘no such thing as viruses’ faction. For this reason, it’s probably as well to substitute the neutral word ‘pathogen’ whenever you hear Ron speak of a ‘virus’. Something causes regular Winter flus, after all; but what exactly, and how? Still unsettled questions…

Ron’s main, vital, input to this podcast discussion is the neglected idea that the pathogen was developed in the US, and then deliberately seeded into China as a bioweapon attack - an act of war, of course. Ron makes a persuasive case, with many items of circumstantial evidence marshalled. (This explanation, if correct, puts paid to the Kit/Catte ‘allinittogether’ hypothesis, of course; a small conspiracy of highish-ranking plotters within the US ruling establishment, operating outside the awareness of puppet-POTUSes being a much more realworld-likely explanation…)

Regarding the still wide-open question of what are the mengeloids actually manipulating when they make these gof-horrors, my current working hypothesis is that they mostly buy into the ‘virus’ doctrines, but that doesn’t matter too much, because engineers - as distinct from theoreticians of science - work much more through trial-and-error tinkering than through theory. And serendipitously - if that’s the appropriate word here? - they stumble across stuff which has striking practical uses - even when the underlying theoretical explanation is actually wrong (as usual, take phlogiston and the Ptolemaic geo-centric cosmology as famous historical examples of this oddity of human behaviour; the thinkers of that time, and especially the tinkerers, such as Galileo Galilei, knew a good deal of the realities of these matters, even when they couldn’t reconcile them with the - mistaken - prevailing conventional wisdom. They had to wait for Newton’s blaze of insight before that could be resolved).

Certainly, Ron’s account hangs together persuasively: of how the pathogen might have been developed deliberately in the US, with its long history of mengelabs, and its prominent theoreticians of bio-warfare, to unleash surreptitiously on China. This accounts for a lot of observed facts which the other hypotheses - natural wild development; or the accidental release of a mengele-bug from the Wuhan biolab, don’t explain so persuasively.

BTW, it’s worth listening right through the last ten minutes of the podcast, to hoover up the interesting bits and pieces there too. Worth the extra time: