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Good summary of the state of play now in the scamdemic, from Off-G

Together with a btl post that I left there:


My impression too, Tim. I listen to BBC Radio 3 always, strictly for the music, and the handful of three-minute ‘news’ bulletins which it carries each day are about as much of the beeb’s ‘news’ output that I can stand these days. The quiet damping down of the covid-panic-covid-panic-covid-panic bullshit blizzard has been noticeable in recent days.

Yesterday, there were several morning bulletins with - literally - no mentions of covid at all: A first since the scam was launched. The non-story of Bozo’s already well-known graft and lying, and Kier Woodentop’s ballsless response, was now upfront instead. Similar pattern today: the lead story is - tadaaah! - people know Bozo’s phone number!!! Shockhorrorstorm! TEOTWAWKI!!!

I’ve been sensing for some time that the PTsB are gauging the public mood windily, and are beginning to think that the scam isn’t going to go the whole way they hoped, and will have to be paused for now, as public resistance grows palpably. Quiet nightmares about mobs and lamp-posts begin to worry the gics’ sleep-time…*

I think the recent demos have rattled them quite a bit, because of their - carefully lamestream-blanked - size and popularity.

Also, amongst my wide working-class acquaintance, the calling of bullshit, and the quiet, voting-with-feet refusal to comply with the restrictions is getting widespread.

As someone said recently, Terror Derangement Syndrome, and the sheep-stampeding which it causes, seems to be more popular amongst the ‘educated’ middle-class than amongst we plebs (my paraphrase of the original remark). As many commentators have pointed out, the ‘higher’ up the class/privilege/education/careery-technocrat structure you go, the more likely people are to be suckered by the official propaganda. Even amongst these lifelong comfortably-sheltered naifs, though, faith in the covid propaganda narrative seems to be wavering. I have friends too in this class layer, and they too are beginning to give off the odour of doubt. Spring is here, and folk have had enough of the - obviously fake - covid bollocks.

In this particular match between the people and the powers that shouldn’t be, it’s beginning to look like a 1-1 draw. Unless Reiner and friends manage to precipitate Nurnberg 2, in which case it could even be a popular win. Roll on the docking of Schwab, the Bellender Gatesoids, and the wef-things. And let’s include the Silly-Valley censors in that bunch of accused too; the whole bleedin’ three thousand…

  • gics - gangsters-in-charge.



Hope you’re right @RhisiartGwilym

Haven’t read the article, or comments, yet. Also not more than a few pages into this, but so far so good

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Hi folks, thanks @KarenEliot for the reference to Mercola’s new book - I’ve just read the forward by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and I will buy this solely for the pleasure of having his words on my shelf. One little example which fitted perfectly with my current thinking was this:

" Our current iatrachy’s rubric of “scientific consensus” is the contemporary iteration of the Spanish Inquisition. It is a fabricated dogma constructed by this corrupt cast of physician technocrats and their media collaborators to legitimize their claims to dangerous new powers.
The high priests of the modern Inquisition are Big Pharma’s network and cable news gasbags who preach rigid obedience to official diktats…They counsel us to… “trust the experts”… nearly every lawsuit I have ever brought pitted highly credentialed experts from opposite sides against each other, with all of them swearing under oath to diametrically antithetical positions based on the same facts. Science is disagreement; the notion of scientific consensus is oxymoronic." :grinning:

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


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The chapters all seem to stand alone, but interlock of course. I liked ’ iatrarchy’, very apt. Seem to recall Ivan Illich may have used this term in Medical Nemesis.

I shall read on, here in my comfy chair :wink: