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GM life brands in the UK - Gates et al turning a profit on eugenics via climate scams

The evils of eugenics combined with the horrors of genetically modified lifeforms ostensibly to save us from climate change - only Gates could dream up this nightmare method of making a profit out of a global holocaust - of course, our Tory masters love it!


PS similar stuff going on in India see:


Thanks for these reminders CJ. The extent of their ambitions is unnerving. And their reach - they seem to have captured politics :fearful:


As Che Noir puts it:

An OG gave some advice the other day, he was like
“Never give a nigga the power to feed you 'cause when you give him the power to feed you
That’s when you give him the power to starve you”
The key to freedom is awareness
You can’t free yourself if you not aware that you trapped

In rap vernacular, OG is Original Gangsta. Someone who survives the ‘gangster’ life picks up some wisdom on the way. An elder.

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