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Galloway Goes Full On 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

I post this in case anyone has missed it. It’s a two hour programme. You can skip to 30 minutes in or the last ten minutes to hear Galloway’s summary of his (new) view about 9/11…

There’s lots of caveats here, not least that Galloway has constantly pushed the covid nonsense over the last 2 years or so - he’s recently been doing a 180 on this as well.

No excuses for George, but part of human nature (and development) is that we can all change our minds.

Anyhows, whatever your feelings about George Galloway, this programme contains some of the most powerful stuff I’ve seen from him in recent years.

Oh, and a Happy New Year, by the way.

I’m putting on a helmet and strapping on a flak jacket, because it’s all going to kick off in France before this month is out.

What a wonderful world…


Finally, twenty-one years after the fact, George has almost caught up with the truth about 11/9. Almost. Not quite there yet.

Amazingly, he’s even willing to entertain the idea on his show that the zionistanis just might have had a hand in it, or even - as the obvious truth is for those who want to look seriously - to have been the ultimate originators of the false-flag conspiracy that 11/9 clearly was.

Yet oddly, he still sees the fact that the whole conspiracy has, in the upshot, blown up in the faces of the zionistani and USAmerican plotters who were behind it, as some sort of evidence that they couldn’t have been the originators.

Er - no George; it just means that man proposes and the Gods dispose: the PNACers, with their absolutely typical combination of boundless self-assurance and spectacular strategic incompetence, screwed it up: they thought that their plot would open the way to military-driven world domination, when in fact it has proven to be a major nail in the coffin of the Anglozionist empire of the West.

This slow coming-out of all those ‘respected’ figures amongst the acceptable-opposition of the media trade, such as Carlson and GG, is, I suspect, an unexpected consequence of the sea-change in public credulousness which the covid swindle has wrought (not ‘wreaked’ FFS! :slight_smile: ) on the general, previously authority-trusting public:

Growing scepticism this past thirty-four months about the covid scamdemic assertions, and about the poison-stab assurances, has started to spill over into all the areas where most of us have been trustingly entranced for most of our lives. Stuff (such as AGW, for instance) that we’ve mostly swallowed unquestioningly for years starts to emerge into actual conscious doubt. Effing finally…!

Interesting that George has got half-way towards seeing the truth about the poison-stabs too. He now says that he doesn’t believe they’re efficacious. Well, brilliantly-done, George. Now: deep breath, and swallow the other half too: they aren’t ‘safe’ either. They’re a goddamned crime-against-humanity disaster, in fact…

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I take a somewhat harder line than @RhisiartGwilym . I never thought of him as a gatekeeper but his, “now that I know …” about JFK, Malcolm X etc says to me his is and always was controlled opposition.

For example, I as a relative youngster, I read Rush To Judgement. Can’t remember when, but I’m pretty sure it was still the 60’s. I can’t believe that anyone with some critical thinking ability would not accept there was criminal involvement at the highest level. Of course evidence of this has continued to leak out for the past half century, so George had to be blind or pretending to be blind. I lean towards the latter now.


I think I’d throw my hat into that camp too @PatB (ouch at strained/mixed metaphor!) though I must caveat this by saying I haven’t watched the video. George is a bit too much of a gobshite to sit thru two hours. He’s a great performer, let’s leave it at that.

If (still quite a big if) the false narratives really are cracking and more and more national governments are exposed as liars through and through (which they are) might this serve the globalist agenda. Though even that is a dodgy term to use as I don’t think there’s just the one…

I say this whenever this topic comes up…is it because he is a “useful idiot” that this guy is not dead?


Trump too (although the term “useful” is, in his case, only loosely applied re: the Republican Deep State -& Bohemian Grove et.al-), …

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"Nb. Caveat emptor…just remember the “Men in Black/Majestic Twelve” (et.al in the “Allied Powers” -incl. U.K-), have been deliberately; obfuscating, obscuring and occulting since before 1947. They have played the “conspiracy theory” card in order to survive, releasing just enough info to keep the “Alien Astronaut Theorists” going but never enough to convince the majority that the belief that our governments have researched and developed Schaubergian technology is anything more than fantastical wish-fulfilment. Quote; “The FBI treated the subject with such contempt (apparently), that they went so far as to scrawl “bogus” over the files: https://vault.fbi.gov/Majestic%2012/Majestic%2012%20Part%201%20of%201/view” Go to: Mathew Crawford - World War E - #8 by GKH

Also see this recent publication (Nb. not a testimonial I have not read the work): https://www.amazon.com/Kennedys-Last-Stand-Eisenhower-Assassination/dp/0982290268 , esp. quote attributed to Clinton.": https://www.arafel.co.uk/2022/02/the-coming-storm-from-forbidden-america.html

"Just before beginning his first term on January 20, 1993, President-Elect Clinton made a very strange request to close family friend and lawyer Webster Hubbell: “If I put you over there in justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.” According to Hubbell, “Clinton was dead serious.”

The key to unlocking the mystery of President Kennedy’s assassination and a possible UFO connection lie in events that occurred 18 years earlier in post-war Germany. In 1945 John F. Kennedy was a guest of Navy Secretary James Forrestal, where he personally witnessed technological secrets that have still not been disclosed to the world. These secrets stemmed from extraterrestrial technologies that Nazi Germany had acquired and were attempting to use in their weapons programs.

In searching for answers to who killed President Kennedy we need to start with the death of his mentor, James Forrestal in 1949. Forrestal became the first Secretary of Defense in 1947, a position he held until March, 1949. Forrestal was a visionary who thought Americans had a right to know about the existence of extraterrestrial life and technologies. Forrestal was sacked by President Truman because he was revealing the truth to various officials, including Kennedy who was a Congressman at the time.
Forrestal’s ideals and vision inspired Kennedy, and laid the seed for what would happen 12 years later.

After winning the 1960 Presidential election, Kennedy learned a shocking truth from President Eisenhower. The control group set up to run highly classified extraterrestrial technologies, the Majestic-12 Group, had become a rogue government agency. Eisenhower warned Kennedy that MJ-12 had to be reined in. It posed a direct threat to American liberties and democratic processes. Kennedy followed Eisenhower’s advice, and set out to realize James Forrestal’s vision. The same forces that orchestrated Forrestal’s death, opposed Kennedy’s efforts at every turn. When Kennedy was on the verge of succeeding, by forcing the CIA to share classified UFO information with other government agencies on November 12, 1963, he was assassinated ten days later.

Kennedy’s Last Stand is the story of how an American President tried to realize his friend and mentor’s vision of a world where humanity openly knows about extraterrestrial life; and of the government officials responsible for denying that vision.": https://www.amazon.com/Kennedys-Last-Stand-Eisenhower-Assassination-ebook/dp/B00G3BW5M6/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Trump is the perfect hate figure, and has been since about 2014 (and to a lesser extent years and years before that) so he serves the purpose that Goldstein served in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Is the guy in the photo Peter McCullogh (sp?)?

Some of this is covered in the books that were published as companion pieces to Twin Peaks: The Return. Though not covered in the series (much) - apart from the Garland Briggs stuff. I ought to rewatch.

Lots of attention is paid to Jack Parsons and his shady occult activities - - - it’s one hell of a deep rabbit hole.

G, this is one of those conspiracy stories that get the objective reality of conspiracies a bad rap.

We all - everyone, everywhere - know perfectly well that real conspiracies do happen; people get prosecuted and convicted for them most days, somewhere in the world. The only objective problem that we really have is in sorting the real conpiracies from the cloud-cuckooland ones.

This particular story that you precis above depends entirely on some, at least, of we humans being in real contact with objective extraterrestrial hitech societies from somewhere in outer space.

The problem is that there seems to be zero evidence - that passes the smell test - to demonstrate that this has really happened; at any time in humankind’s species lifespan; lots of intriguing stories, zero really conclusive objective evidence.

On the other hand, there’s oodles of evidence of repeated episodes of some sort of ‘visitors’ from inner space, going far back beyond the beginnings of recorded history.

I’d be inclined to favour them as the real source of the ‘alien technology’ pageant (I choose that word with care!) - that’s fooling us all so nicely at the moment; as it was always intended to do by the piss-taking pranksters amongst ‘the spirits’ who do this to us, just for their bleedin’ giggles…

I’m open to persuasion. But - you know - show me this ‘alien technology’; show me this alleged Schaubergian technology. Where can concrete examples of these alleged realites be seen working? Lacking these proof-of-concept demos - as we always do, in the nitty-gritty event - the stories about them may as well be classified - tentatively, at least - as imaginative sci-fi.


It´ll be interesting to see how GG, who is heavily invested in the covid hoax, will squirm his way out of his past, hard-establishment position, and tell us why he changed his mind on the subject. I remember him insulting those who called out the hoax on his show and throwing them off the telephone line, and urging us all to take the jab, together with his tame doctor Ranveer Brar. Let´s wait and see!


Well, it would be great if some prominent media figure has the backbone to say on camera:

“I now understand that I was deceived, and I fell for it. I apologise to all the people whom I slagged for seeing, more quickly than I have, what the truth is. I beg your pardon!”

That would cause a great leap forward in the slow tide of disillusionment that’s flowing through all we punters right now. And it would add to George’s moral stature if he made an honest and honourable statement like that; only admitting the inevitable fallibility which cloaks us all, after all; no shame in that…


I agree with Rhis on this; and likewise I’m open to anything if I’m presented with rational, fact-based evidence. I don’t think many would deny that there isn’t rational, fact based evidence when it comes to 9/11 or covid or all the rest of it.

Jimmy Dore recently did a piece with Max Blumenthal. I can’t find the original Dore video (it’s probably been removed - because we live in ‘freedom and democracy’). So instead here’s Saby Sab’s coverage of it. This is well worth watching if you want to know anything about Ukraine…

With regard to Galloway, and also Corbyn et al, try to put aside whether you love or hate these people. Point is, they’ve been inside the system for decades, and they know how it works. If you are any kind of threat to the Establishment, first they will try to ruin your reputation. Secondly they will try to imprison you. If none of that works you will get a bullet in the back of the head.

Galloway, Corbyn, etc, are all well aware of this, I would venture.

Corbyn said it quite openly in one of the recent AJ documentaries. Likewise Jimmy Dore now says it quite openly.

Galloway has always been a bit more circumspect.

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Sorry Rhis we’ve clashed about this before…“bad rap”? Hmmmm like claiming that viruses don’t exist? There’s far more evidence that some of the highly advanced (for their day), technologies “paper-clipped” from the NAZIS have been kept secret to this day than there is the viruses don’t exist! Covid is no “hoax” it’s a dangerous conspiracy entered into by the same NAZI inspired, nepotistic-ally enabled people that created AIDS. If you can’t accept that you will never get to the bottom of the conspiracy Fauci is allowing to continue its dirty work. How will those responsible for the deaths of millions ever be brought to book?
No-one lives for ever old mate…this “great wheel turning” business you always refer to is just wish-fulfilment…the Buddha taught freedom from the wheel of Samsara…it is “the wheel of suffering”…no more incarnations, no more life pain…get over it and see the wood for the trees! There is good and evil…choices must have consequences…theologically you are trapped by a neoliberal delusion (as are many others). Schauberger’s work informs and underpins all that the implosion guys do, the water molecule clustering theories and all vibration-al and homoeopathic medicine Rhis…it also gives a lie to the big tech. such as HADRON colliders and the like…embrace the whole!


The same cabal were responsible for 9/11

*Quote; "Jamie Theakston finally lifts-the-lid on the massive investment and research efforts by the NAZIs into areas of science virtually unknown to The Allies. The size and extent of the underground and overground facilities built in Eastern Europe by the Germans for these more occluded endeavours would actually appear to be greater than that they lavished on the more prosaic V-weapons. What is also very telling is the observation at the time (according to Theakston and a Polish researcher), of the appearance of, “more than a hundred” Allied secret service personnel at the site following its capture, the execution by the NAZIs of all the slave workers (who, “went there to die” according to Theakston), and that (again and again we are told -Paraphr-); “this was the most secret endeavour of the NAZI state”…!

What Theakston doesn’t cover is the philosophical bias inherent in Nazi science away from (as they saw it), the “Einsteinian relativism” of The Jews and towards a nuclear physics of their own, a “spin” that resulted in a concentration on electro-magnetism and fluid dynamics (technologies which were not pursued with anything like the same intensity or commitment by The Allies)." …

“Researcher and author Joseph P Farrell talks about his books, “Reich of the Black Sun” and “The SS brotherhood of the Bell”. Topics Highlighted: Joseph’s background, the black sun, the swastika, OSS, Paperclip, NASA connection with the Nazis, underground bases, Hans Kammler, Igor Witkowski, Wunderwaffe, crashed UFO, new physics, alchemy, Mercury, The Apollo Program/Antarctica/nazi retreat to South America and the similarities between the Nazi Bell and the acorn like craft that went down in Kecksburg 1966”: "Arafel": Forbidden History and "The Reich of the Black Sun"": https://www.arafel.co.uk/2022/02/the-coming-storm-from-forbidden-america.html … also …

"Quote; “Wayne Anderson, an Avionics Technician is interviewed by Rob Balsamo, Co-Founder, Pilots For 9/11 Truth. Wayne reveals his observations of a remote guidance test on a Boeing 757 in which technology was used to control the aircraft remotely, while also being able to “Lockout” the Flight Crew from overriding the autopilot system in order to regain control of the airplane. The following interview discusses the details of this test which was performed prior to September 11, 2001, the violations of FAA regulations and the possibilities using such technology.” Go to: http://members5.boardhost.com/xxxxx/msg/archive/1512081442.html & http://members5.boardhost.com/xxxxx/msg/archive/1512033259.html , also see;
“The 9/11 Document that Launched US-NATO’s “War on Terrorism” in the Middle East” Go to: https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-mysterious-frank-taylor-report-the-911-document-that-launched-us-natos-war-on-terrorism-in-the-middle-east/5632874?print=1


Where can concrete examples of these alleged realites be seen working? Lacking these proof-of-concept demos - as we always do, in the nitty-gritty event - the stories about them may as well be classified - tentatively, at least - as imaginative sci-fi.” You do know what a conspiracy is I trust? You try buying a large industrial centrifuge…go on…!

Mercer…you know “Cambridge Analytica”? Several floors in the Twin Towers belonged to his company…

I had never heard of him (Robert Mercer) thanks for clarifying Gerard. I can see from just a minute or two on WiCIApedia that he’s a “made man” shall we say.

I’m on the home stretch with Peter Warlow btw (Reversing Earth), and very keen to follow up on some of those creation/destruction/flood myths he mentions (as did Hancock in the heretical Netflix series lol). Any reading tips?

I’ll stay open-minded about it, G, till I see some concrete evidence. You know, those working prototypes on actual display somewhere.

Until then, it all still feels to me like a cospithirry on the wrong side of the credibility boundary: more like imaginative sc-fi than literal reality. Could be wrong; I’m open to the ideas; but - don’t talk/write about it all: Show me!

Show me the - alleged - technologies in action; show me the prototypes. Then I’ll take all these theoreticals more seriously.

And getting off the wheel of rebirth is an option open to all Individuated Units Of Consciousness (Tom Campbell’s neutral term for our immortal souls), but - you know: that happens when your soul’s actually ready to get off. Whilst there’s still a positive balance between continued enthusiasm for repeated bouts in this virtual reality as an embodied soul, on the one hand, and weariness with the suffering, on the other, IUOCs can opt to stay on the wheel. I certainly feel like that. The escape moment can stay on ice for now.

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I find the ET stuff really interesting. One of the biggest problems I have with it (current theories) is anthropomorphism.

I have little doubt that there are other life forms in this Cosmos we find ourselves in.

Thing is, would they be carbon life forms like us?

From my limited knowledge of the Cosmos this seems unlikely.

Also, you have to take into account that human senses can only perceive about 0.5% of what’s actually around us; I’m talking electromagnetic energy (there’s loads of peer reviewed studies about this).

This leaves me with the rather amusing notion that we might already be living with ETs, yet we don’t have the senses/understanding to be able to interact with them.

Think of a blind dog that has unfortunately fallen into a dry well. The poor creature can sense that there is something up above, yet it is unable to have any real comprehension of it, let alone interact with it.


This is literally true, I think, except that we do have the means to interact with them; only it takes a lot of dedicated, disciplined work - of the esoteric kind - to become aware of them palpably, and to be able to communicate. Sorcerers/mages/shamans/druids do it all the time. What do you think Prospero’s Ariel was? And meanwhile, terrified psi-deniers keep themselves obdurately cut off from such dimensions of reality, scoffing desperately as they do, because they happen, as we all do, to be very shaken up - initially - by such encounters; only the compulsive scoffers, poor souls, happen to have the psi-fear in spades; more strongly than the average.

I’m poking a bit of mild fun at one such incorrigible just now, who calls himself ‘The Dark Man’, and publishes a string of pieces, mostly rather reactionary, over at ‘The Duran’. Typically evidence-resistant, of course; just won’t look at any. I suspect Alex and Alexander give him publication space as a piece of outdoor-relief charity for a shagged-out old hack. Whatever the truth, Al - ‘The Dark Man’ - surely comes on like that; his particular Old Fart’s Obsessions being to scoff foamingly at ‘Mystic Megs’; and also, as it happens, to advocate foamingly the execution all murderers.

Any practitioner of esoteric disciplines is always wearily familiar with such Randi-oids. (Fellows of fanatical arch psi-denier James Randi, of CSICOP infamy…)

Psi-deniers are a commonplace minor nuisance in the path of any practitioner or student of magic/psi. Nevertheless, the magical beings are there to communicate with, if one really wants to. Can be a bit of wild goose chase, though. They like piss-taking us like that, just for a laff; with slapped-together UAPs, for example. They’re not characterised as Trickster/Coyote/Loki/Puck for nothing. Beware of their absorbing time-wasting games.

Weird, innit, how threads wander away from their original headline… :slight_smile:

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