Finally, twenty-one years after the fact, George has almost caught up with the truth about 11/9. Almost. Not quite there yet.
Amazingly, he’s even willing to entertain the idea on his show that the zionistanis just might have had a hand in it, or even - as the obvious truth is for those who want to look seriously - to have been the ultimate originators of the false-flag conspiracy that 11/9 clearly was.
Yet oddly, he still sees the fact that the whole conspiracy has, in the upshot, blown up in the faces of the zionistani and USAmerican plotters who were behind it, as some sort of evidence that they couldn’t have been the originators.
Er - no George; it just means that man proposes and the Gods dispose: the PNACers, with their absolutely typical combination of boundless self-assurance and spectacular strategic incompetence, screwed it up: they thought that their plot would open the way to military-driven world domination, when in fact it has proven to be a major nail in the coffin of the Anglozionist empire of the West.
This slow coming-out of all those ‘respected’ figures amongst the acceptable-opposition of the media trade, such as Carlson and GG, is, I suspect, an unexpected consequence of the sea-change in public credulousness which the covid swindle has wrought (not ‘wreaked’ FFS!
) on the general, previously authority-trusting public:
Growing scepticism this past thirty-four months about the covid scamdemic assertions, and about the poison-stab assurances, has started to spill over into all the areas where most of us have been trustingly entranced for most of our lives. Stuff (such as AGW, for instance) that we’ve mostly swallowed unquestioningly for years starts to emerge into actual conscious doubt. Effing finally…!
Interesting that George has got half-way towards seeing the truth about the poison-stabs too. He now says that he doesn’t believe they’re efficacious. Well, brilliantly-done, George. Now: deep breath, and swallow the other half too: they aren’t ‘safe’ either. They’re a goddamned crime-against-humanity disaster, in fact…