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Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has died after complications from COVID-19

He was fully vaccinated. Oh dear.

Well, perhaps he was fully publicly injected for the cameras. But - with what exactly? Did he know? Did the injectors? Anybody? The whole bloody thing has become a lunatic show.

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Ironic if he met his end due to some dodgy stuff in a vial.

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No less than he deserved, being blunt, as an unconvicted war criminal. apparently Gen. Powell had a form of cancer/leukemia and compromised immunity; so in some ways was a potential beneficiary of a valid vaccine. In any case, while I might disagree if I live to be 83, that was not a “bad innings”.

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This clip gets harder and harder to find. This one is French language. Skip to 25 seconds in to see the famous shot of Colin Powell, at the UN, holding up a glass vial of ‘deadly powder’, as proof that Iraq had WMD that they were about to launch on the West…

Lucky he didn’t drop that vial, and it broke, thus killing everyone in the UN General Assembly; or else the world might have discovered that it was just washing powder in the vial.

Crooks is not an adequate word for these people.



Indeed and considerably better than most of his victims.

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