S, I know your interested in the inner workings of bitcoin - and of gold too, I hope! There’s a link in Dmitry Orlov’s latest mailout to a Tom Luongo piece on the Russian demand to hostile states to pay for their Russian gas in Rubles (or bitcoin or gold). This bodes well for bitcoin’s future - near-future, anyway - so I just wanted to make sure you’ve seen Tom L’s comments on it:
Thanks Rhis, I had seen this article from Luongo. He is pretty clued up on these matters and his thinking pretty much aligns with mine as regards btc and metals. In these days where tectonic plates are whizzing around it makes sense to hold on to both cryptos and metals, and anything else of material value, eg malt whisky.
Someone in one of Orlov´s latest articles opined that the next 10 or so days will be the most dangerous since the asteroid hit earth, and I´m inclined to agree, and accordingly, have been making inroads into my stock of the malt.
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