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For Rob and K, re: cats

A joke I think you’ll appreciate! A pic. I saw two days ago; single frame, with caption. It showed a cat sitting on a kitchen counter, looking at the camera with that self-possessed look they do. The caption read: “Off the counter? You must be new here!” :smile:

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Talking of cats, I found this when pondering your post:

Where were the White Helmets? Geeeezzz!

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Yes that’s a good one, saw it on a (probably Clive De Carle’s) Telegram group.

There has been a quite interesting three-part post on the power of memes which is worth a read. Don’t be put off by the fact there are three parts: it’s not all that text-heavy.

Lots of cats

It’s as if 4chan decided to do a thesis. I do like a good meme though.

Pray with me

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