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For anyone buying the doe-eyed Waggatosh that 'Saker is garbage' -

Is this the action of a blind, rabidly-biased partisan? Andrei has done things like this repeatedly on his blog, in the service of giving a fair spread of opinion/analysis. (Riley Waggaman called himself “doe-eyed”, btw: his joke.).

Today’s headline offering at Saker is characteristic of his coverage. As well as this piece, there’s an article by PepeE and an interview with Michael Hudson, amongst other things. Pretty garbagey realjournalism, hey? :laughing:

PS: Perhaps General Riley would like to respond to the Saker ‘garbage’ linked below with his own vastly superior strategic analysis abilities? This is the sort of thing for which I’ve been visiting Saker for years, simply to counter the fog of Western propagarbage with a bit of clear-sightedness. With the exception only of his spectacular pratfall for the covid-flu scam, Andrei has always been a reliable source of such solid good sense. He and Martyanov are indeed elderly men prattling about the great affairs of the world, as am I. We don’t get to participate actively any more in the lethal mayhem of which we pontificate. But - er - y’know - does that mean that we can’t tell our arses from our elbows when it comes to common-sense application of our veterans’ view of the ways of the world…? :wink: :slightly_smiling_face::

Maybe he should change his name to Riley Strawman?

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