Move over 1929! Make room for your big brother (Note that Britain, as is only fitting considering all the history, is close behind Eire in the deep-shit stakes). You know when I babble on about the Long Descent being stair-step shaped: periods of slow decline, punctuated with moments of sudden disastrous lurch-downs; the stair-stepdowns (JMGreer’s concept)…? Well…:
Note that this commentator advises, quite seriously, that we all need to start growing whatever food we can, bleedin’ pronto. To which I would add: You can’t just waltz into growing without any previous experience at all, and expect bumper crops first harvest (or indeed any crop at all if you happen to get hit by one of the perennial strokes of bad luck which all seasoned growers know about). It’s an apprenticeship thing. No time left to lose: Get bloody going!