Any reasonable observer of the Lebanon Israehell “ceasefire” would say Hezbollah and the Palestinians have been hung out to dry. Take for example, Israehell having 60 days to withdraw. One doesn’t need to read the agreement in detail, but if you question my opinion, read Craig Murrays excellent (IMHO) analysis.
Further on Syria - who to believe, Alistair Crooke above, the Graun here:
Syrian and Russian airstrikes hit Aleppo and Idlib after insurgents advance | Syria | The Guardian
- “Assad crushed a popular uprising that rose up against him in 2011, before the conflict spilled over into a bloody civil war that has fractured his control of the country and left him heavily dependent on backing from Tehran and Moscow. The Syrian leader also employed airstrikes, siege tactics and chemical weapons against his own people during fierce battles to regain control of territory.”
contrast :
and this:
PS I was uncertain whether to go for a new topic on Syria but I chose to stay with this thread due to the close chronology of the Lebanese “cease fire” and the invasion of Syria by the latest Turkish backed version of Al quida.
Hi @CJ1 . Not sure if this is a reply to you or a reply to myself. Perhaps both?
In my original post, perhaps I was too hasty in forming my opinion of a sell-out by the Lebanese government. According to a Lebanese journo (in Lebanon) the picture is very different to the western media representation. [Edit] I still hold my view that they betrayed the Palestinians, but the situation on the ground is not what I thought it was. Watch from 5 minutes
On the issues in Syria, Larry Johnson paints a very different opinion on events on the ground to what we are generally led to believe.
I now believe that there have never been any real terrorist attacks. Terrorism has just been a state security meme that was created from staged events to provide the missing evil enemy which had been Russia until 1991 - once the USSR collapsed a new enemy had to be created and states supporting terrorism became that new enemy. No enemy would mean no military industrial complex, no convenient mass deaths from wars and “insurrections” to aid the euthanasia project and a peace dividend to the people - couldn’t have that could we!
9/11, Boston Marathon, 7/7, Manchester Arena etc.
It maybe that the success TPTB have had with the great ConVid scare with associated death paths for the elderly pre-jab and post jab for everyone conned into taking it has resulted in massive damage to humanity’s DNA re reproductive organs both female and male. The use of the military as the goto tool of the euthanasiasts may no longer be required in future years, particularly if we have all signed up to giving away our human rights to save Granny or the Planet!