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FB admits censorship even of facts

How long before the rest of the MSM moved beyond “fact checking” to this ?


Very soon indeed I think.

I’ve uploaded a few editions of U K Column news without detection but my luck ran out today:

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We are really living in surreal & dangerous times where not only free debate & exchange of views are forbidden, but also facts are censored: will we ever break-out of this nightmare of a slippery slope towards dystopia ?


FB leakers go Public;

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Oh dear, the dyke’s springing more and more leaks everyday, innit. Pretty soon now it should break… :slight_smile:


Imagine being the tech bod told to devise a way of classifying entirely enthusiastic vaxxxine related comments that include a sarcastic GIF.

But, demonstrating that they are not all bad, Facebook has revised its policy on censoring ‘lab escape’ theories as to the origin of CronyVirus. One assumes so long as these align with the hypothesis that the lab in question was in a Certain Faraway Land Inhabited By Communists and absolutely nothing whatsoever not even a tiny bit connected to Dr Anthony Fauxi.

Yay. Off to enJoY My nEw fReEdOmS

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